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How are the numerals in the statement that follows used differently? Do they represent different types of numbers?

     A class of MDEV 102 has 19 students and is held on the 2nd floor of Bridges in room number 269.

 The sentence has four numerals representing numbers used in three different ways.

Definitions.  A number is the idea or abstract notion of quantity.
                     A numeral is the symbol(s) used to represent a number.

         Example. In the above example, the numeral 19 represents the idea that the number of students in the class is nineteen.    

        The purpose of this session is to motivate the basic concepts that will be used throughout this chapter and the course. Our concern in this chapter is with whole numbers used as cardinal numbers in solving problems. In the next section, we will begin the formal development of the terminology we will use. But first, we illustrate how the concepts have humble beginnings with early humans and with small children.