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A universal
set, sometimes called the
universe, is the set of all items under consideration
for a particular problem or situation.
We will let set U, unless otherwise defined, represent the universe in a given
problem or situation.
We always need to be aware of the specific universal set
used in any problem.
The universal set chosen can make a huge difference in the
answer to a problem.
In the opening problem above, the universal set is the
“set of the thirty students that went on the camping trip.”
Venn Diagrams:
A Venn diagram is a drawing
that can be used to show how sets are related.
Circles are used to represent subsets of the universe, i.e.,
sets that exist within the universe. The relative placement of
the circles shows how those sets are related.
In the last session, we worked with the concept of
A Venn diagram of
B looks like the
The diagram shows that every element in set A is also in set B.