Readings for Session 7 – (Continued)
Union of Sets and Addition
How does the operation of
addition used in the following problem relate to sets?
In this section, we illustrate the relationships between
the addition of whole numbers and the union of sets. We show a
difference in the process of addition when the two sets are
disjoint and when their intersection is not the empty set.
In the picture and the Venn
diagram, there are two sets
A and
B. Notice that the sets are disjoint,
= 2,
n(B) = 3, and n(A ∪ B) = 2 + 3 = 5. |
In this Venn diagram, there are two sets
A and B. Notice that the
sets are
not disjoint,
n(A) = 12,
= 16,
but now (A
B) = 21
≠ 12 + 16 = 28.
Notice that
∪ B) =
n(A) +
− n(A
B) and this formula
works for both of the Venn diagram situations above.
We will see this relationship again when we study
Addition of Whole Numbers: Let a = n(A) and b = n(B) where A and B are two disjoint finite sets. Then a + b = n(A ∪ B).
The whole numbers
a and
b are called
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