Solution to Exercise 3.64.
Thought makes the whole dignity of man; therefore, endeavor to think well, that is the only morality.
Exit book to another website.Blaise Pascal (1623–1662)

Exercise 3.64. Prove the set of affine translations of the Euclidean plane is a group under matrix multiplication.

Proof. First, we show the set of affine translations of the Euclidean plane is closed under matrix multiplication. Let TPQ and TRS be matrices of affine translations of the Euclidean plane determined by vectors PQ = (a, b, 0) and RS = (c, d, 0). Then

which is the matrix of an affine translation of the Euclidean plane determined by vector (c + a, d + b, 0). Hence, the set of affine translations of the Euclidean plane is closed under matrix multiplication.

        Next, we show that the inverse of an affine translation of the Euclidean plane is an affine translation of the Euclidean plane. Let TPQ be the matrix of an affine translation of the Euclidean plane determined by vector PQ = (a, b, 0). By Exercise 3.63, the form of the inverse of TPQ is

which is the matrix of an affine translation of the Euclidean plane determined by the vector (–a, –b, 0). Thus, the every affine translation of the Euclidean plane has an inverse that is an affine translation of the Euclidean plane.

        Therefore, the set of affine translations of the Euclidean plane is a group under matrix multiplication.//

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  Timothy Peil  Mathematics Dept.  MSU Moorhead

© Copyright 2005, 2006 - Timothy Peil