Chapter Five
Spherical Geometry
Perhaps to the student there is no
part of elementary mathematics so repulsive as is spherical geometry.
Guthrie Tait (1831-1901)
Article on Quaternions Encyclopaedia
Britannica (1911)
The sections hopefully will be written in the future; until then, here are a few web links to get you started in your investigations followed by a draft outline and draft sections.
Dynamic Explorations
Spherical Easel
a java exploration of the Riemann Sphere model.
Java exploration of the Riemann Sphere model by David Little at Penn State
Geometry and Its Applications by Walter A. Meyer (Google books)
Exploration of Spherical Geometry by Michael Bolin
Web Text for Teacher Workshop
Geometry of a Sphere by John C. Polking
Introduction to Spherical Geometry
The Three Geometries
Wikipedia on
Spherical Geometry
The following is an outline of possible sections and the beginnings of draft sections. The outline and sections are incomplete.
5.1 -
Historical Overview
Section 5.2 -
Models for Spherical and Elliptic
Section 5.3 -
Hilbert's Axioms for Euclidean Geometry Modified for Plane Elliptic Geometry
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