Africa is a huge, complex, and dynamic continent comprised of over fifty independent countries. Within each country it's possible to find an incredible mix of people and languages, from as few as one (Somalia) to many as perhaps two hundred (Nigeria). Furthermore, geography and climate vary almost as widely as do Africa's cultures. Contrary to stereotypes, less that 5% of Africa is comprised of "jungle." The remainder ranges from savanna grasslands to perennially snow capped mountains to palm-fringed coastlines.
I have visited six African countries... so far. Most of my time has been spent in Kenya, a country I think of as my adopted home. I have been traveling there since 1988. I hope you can take some time to explore the following
information I've put together on Kenya and the other major countries of East Africa, namely Tanzania and Uganda. As a way of further expanding my direct knowledge of Africa, in June 2001 I traveled to South
Africa on an International Faculty Development Seminar. In July 2002 I went to The Federal Republic of Nigeria to participate in a curriculum review process at a new state university and in February 2003 I traveled to Ethiopia. I'm going to
update and expanding this page to include new information so please keep checking back.
If you have any comments/suggestions please contact me (
Last updated 01/21/04
by Bruce Roberts (