The Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prize for Italian or Italian-U. S. history
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2018 America in Italy : the United States in the political thought and imagination of the Risorgimento, 17631865 by Axel K๖rner
2017 Criminal law in liberal and fascist Italy by Paul Garfinkel
2016 The duke's assassin : exile and death of Lorenzino de' Medici by Stefano Dall'Aglio, translated by Donald Weinstein
2015 The Pope and Mussolini : the secret history of Pius XI and the rise of Fascism in Europe by David I. Kertzer
2014 Cultures of charity : women, politics, and the reform of poor relief in Renaissance Italy by Nicholas Terpstra
2012 Brokering empire : trans-imperial subjects between Venice and Istanbul by E. Natalie Rothman
2011 Ordinary violence in Mussolini's Italy by Michael R. Ebner
2010 Bitter spring : a life of Ignazio Silone by Stanislao G. Pugliese
2009 Heirs, kin, and creditors in Renaissance Florence by Thomas J. Kuehn
2008 Empires of Islam in Renaissance historical thought by Margaret Meserve
2007 Naples and Napoleon : Southern Italy and the European revolutions, 17801860 by John A. Davis
2006 The conquest of malaria : Italy, 19001962 by Frank M. Snowden
2005 Love and death in Renaissance Italy by Thomas V. Cohen
2004 Apocalypse in Rome : Cola di Rienzo and the politics of the new age by Ronald G. Musto
2003 Eye of the lynx : Galileo, his friends, and the beginning of modern natural history by David Freedberg
2002 The universities of the Italian Renaissance by Paul F. Grendler
2001 In the footsteps of the ancients : the origins of humanism from Lovato to Bruni by Ronald G. Witt
2000 Cardano's cosmos : the worlds and works of a Renaissance astrologer by Anthony Grafton
1999 Immigrants in the lands of promise : Italians in Buenos Aries and New York City, 18701914 by Samuel L. Baily
1998 Aristocrats in Bourgeois Italy : the Piedmontese nobility, 1861-1930 by Anthony L. Cardoza
1997 Dictating demography : the problem of population in fascist Italy by Carl Ipsen
1996 Paolo Giovio : the historian and the crisis of sixteenth-century Italy by T. C. Price Zimmermann
1995 The death of the child Valerio Marcello by Margaret L. King
1994 Avant-garde Florence : from modernism to fascism by Walter L. Adamson
1993 Mad blood stirring : vendetta and factions in Friuli during the Renaissance by Edward Muir, Jr.
1992 The heritage of Giotto's geometry : art and science on the eve of the scientific revolution by Samuel Y. Edgerton, Jr.
1991 The cost of empire : the finances of the Kingdom of Naples in the time of Spanish rule by Antonio Calabria
1990 From elite to mass politics : Italian socialism in the Giolittian era, 19001914 by James Edward Miller
1989 Schooling in Renaissance Italy : literacy and learning, 13001600 by Paul F. Grendler
1988 The mountains and the city : the Tuscan Appennines in the early Middle Ages by Christopher J. Wickham
1987 Emergence of a bureaucracy : the Florentine patricians, 15301790 by R. Burr Litchfield
1986 Moscow and the Italian Communist Party : from Togliatti to Berlinger by Joan Barth Urban
1985 The Renaissance in Rome by Charles L. Stinger
1984 Italian Marxism by Paul Piccone
1983 Corporatism and consensus in Florentine electoral politics, 12801400 by John M. Najemy
1982 Historians and historiography : in the Italian Renaissance by Eric Cochrane
1981 The building of Renaissance Florence : an economic and social history by Richard Goldwaithe
1980 Crisis and continuity : the economy of Spanish Lombardy in the seventeenth century by Domenico Sella
1979 Praise and blame in Renaissance Rome : rhetoric, doctrine, and reform in the sacred orators of the papal court, c. 14501521 by John W. OMalley
1978 Family and community : Italian immigrants in Buffalo, 18801930 by Virginia Yans-McLaughlin
1977 The civic world of early Renaissance Florence by Gene A. Brucker
1976 Industrial imperialism in Italy, 19081915 by Richard A. Webster
1975 Rome before Avignon : a social history of thirteenth-century Rome by Robert Brentano
1974 The complete works of Sidney Sonnino by Benjamin F. Brown
1973 The Fascist experience; Italian society and culture, 19221945 by Edward R. Tannenbaum