Manual of museum exhibitions. 2nd ed. AM151 .M34 2014
Cooper, Harris M., author. Reporting quantitative research in psychology : how
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Auxiliary sciences of history.
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already on your phone). E175.8 .W59 2018
Mulloy, D. J. Enemies of the state : the radical
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Dowd, Nancy E. Reimagining equality : a new deal for children of color. E184 .A1
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Oluo, Ijeoma. So you want to talk about race. E184
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Woodward, Bob. Fear : Trump in the White House. E912 .W66 2018
History of regions, states, and cities.
Whitaker, Mark. Smoketown : the untold story of the other great Black
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Social sciences.
State profiles : the population and economy of each U.S. state, 2017. 9th ed.
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Economic history and conditions.
Klinenberg, Eric. Palaces for the people : how
social infrastructure can help fight inequality, polarization, and the decline
of civic life. HC79 .C3 K55 2018
Industries. Land use. Labor.
Heppner, Rebekah S. The lost leaders : how corporate America loses women
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Canavor, Natalie. Business writing today : a
practical guide. 3rd ed. HF5718.3 .C3655 2019
Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform.
Siegler, Bonnie. Signs of resistance : a visual
history of protest in America. HN57 .S524 2018
The family. Marriage. Women.
Garretson, Jeremiah J. The path to gay rights : how activism and coming out
changed public opinion. HQ76.8 .U5 G3575 2018
Communities. Classes. Races.
DiAngelo, Robin J. White fragility : why it's so
hard for White people to talk about racism. HT1521 .D486 2018
Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology.
Western, Bruce. Homeward : life in the year after prison. HV9275 .W424 2018
Political science.
Bartlett, Jamie. The people vs tech : how the internet is killing democracy (and
how we save it). JC423 .B2629 2018
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Fox, Helen. When race breaks out : conversations about race and racism in
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Counternarratives from women of color academics :
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Language and literature. Performing arts.
Handy, Bruce. Wild things : the joy of reading children's literature as an
adult. PN1009 .A1 H2576 2017
The Best men's stage monologues, 2013. PN2080 .B45
The Best women's stage monologues, 2013. PN4305 .M6 B475
Ondaatje, Michael. Warlight. PR9199.3 .O5 W37 2018
L'Engle, Madeleine. The wrinkle in time quartet.
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L'Engle, Madeleine. The Polly O'Keefe quartet.
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Ball, Jesse. Census. PS3602 .A596 C46 2018
Castelló, José R. Canids of the world : wolves, wild dogs, foxes, jackals,
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Van Haaften, Julia. Berenice Abbott : a life in photography. TR140 .A25 V36 2018