Walt Whitman Award

For more information about The Academy of American Poets, sponsor of this award, click here.

2018     Brute by Emily Skaja
2017     Eye level : poems by Jenny Xie
2016     Afterland : poems by Mai Der Vang
2015     Rapture by Sjohnna McCray
2014     The same-different : poems by Hannah Sanghee Park
2013     Put your hands in by Chris Hosea
2012     Black aperture : poems by Matt Rasmussen
2011     Eyes, Stones by Elana Bell
2010     Curses and wishes by Carl Adamshick
2009     Heredities by J. Michael Martinez
2008     The waker's corridor by Jonathan Thirkield
2007     Sex at noon taxes by Sally Van Doren
2006     Floating city by Anne Pierson Wiese
2005     Half wild by Mary Rose O'Reilley
2004     Resin by Geri Doran
2003     Invisible bride : poems by Tony Tost
2002     Notes from the divided country : poems by Suji Kwock Kim
2001     The invisible world by John Canaday
2000     Radio, radio by Ben Doller
1999     Carolina ghost woods by Judy Jordan
1998     Once I gazed at you in wonder by Jan Heller Levi
1997     Bite every sorrow : poems by Barbara Ras
1996     Madonna anno domini by Joshua Clover
1995     Resurrection by Nicole Cooley
1994     Because the brain can be talked into anything by Jan Richman
1993     Science and other poems by Alison Hawthorne Deming
1992     The fire in all things by Stephen Yenser
1991     From the iron chair : poems by Greg Glazner
1990     The cult of the right hand by Elaine Terranova
1989     The game of statues by Martha Hollander
1988     Blackbird Bye Bye by April Bernard
1987     The weight of numbers by Judith Baumel
1986     Fragments from the fire: the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of March 25, 1911 : poems by Chris Llewellyn
1985     Bindweed by Christianne Balk
1984     For the new year by Eric Pankey
1983     Across the mutual landscape by Christopher Gilbert
1982     Jurgis Petraskas by Anthony Petrosky
1981     Whispering to fool the wind by Alberto RĂ­os
1980     Work, for the night is coming by Jared Carter
1979     Shooting rats at the Bibb County Dump by David Bottoms
1978     Wonders by Karen Snow
1977     Guilty bystander by Lauren Shakely
1976     The hocus-pocus of the universe by Laura Gilpin
1975     Climbing into the roots by Reg Saner