Exceptional Lives - Special Education in Today's Schools (4th Edition)

Dr. Severson Review Guide for Chapter Three - Ensuring Progress in the General curriculum: Collaboration and Multicultural Responsiveness

Read: Who Are Ronda Taylor, Donald harness, and Luisa Rodriquez? Identify ways that the school system failed to meet the needs of these learners.

  1. What is collaboration? Why is it important?
  2. Students will be part of the collaborative team if they have self-determination skills. How is self-determination defined? What role should students have in the preparation of their IEP?
  3. Parents are equal members of students' teams. Why would a "we-they" atmosphere develop in collaborative teams?
  4. What are related services? How would related services be provided to a student in a general education classroom?
  5. What does it mean to have a paraprofessional "velcroed" to a student with a disability in a general education environment? How would this impact the student?
  6. What does "positive interdependence" occur in a collaborative team?

Review the "Inclusion Tips" on page 97.