Exceptional Lives - Special Education in Today's
Schools (4th Edition)
Dr. Severson Review Guide for Chapter Three - Ensuring
Progress in the General curriculum: Collaboration and Multicultural Responsiveness
Read: Who Are Ronda Taylor, Donald
harness, and Luisa Rodriquez? Identify ways that the
school system failed to meet the needs of these learners.
- What is collaboration? Why is it
- Students will be part of the
collaborative team if they have self-determination skills. How is self-determination
defined? What role should students have in the preparation of their IEP?
- Parents are equal members
of students' teams. Why would a "we-they" atmosphere develop in collaborative
- What are related services? How
would related services be provided to a student in a general education
- What does it mean to have a
paraprofessional "velcroed" to a student with a disability in a general
education environment? How would this impact the student?
- What does "positive interdependence"
occur in a collaborative team?
Review the "Inclusion Tips" on
page 97.