Exceptional Lives - Special Education in Today's Schools (4th Edition)

Review Guide for Chapter 6 - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder


Is ADHD a separate category under IDEA?



What disability label do students receive? What criterion under this label allows students with ADHD to qualify?

Identify the key points of the APA definition of AD/HD.




To be eligible for services under IDEA, what must be affected?



Diagnosis with the APA definition requires the students to demonstrate symptoms prior to what age?

Three subtypes of AD/HD:





Four characteristics of "Predominantly Inattentive Type" (IN)

  • Inattention is the primary symptom
  • skip important parts of an assignment
  • appear to be day-dreaming
  • cannot seem to get organized
  • seem generally forgetful

Four characteristics of "Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type" (HI)

  • combination of hyperactivity (high amounts of movement) and impulsivity (not thinking before acting)
  • examples-tap pencils on their desks, wiggle in seats, run instead of walk, talk a lot


Combined Type:

  • symptoms suggesting both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity
AD/HD is a disorder of ___________________ rather than ___________.

Executive Functions: provide explanations or examples of each.

Nonverbal working memory:


Internalization of speech:


Self-regulation of affect, motivation, and arousal



Identify some positive traits:




Three possible causes:






What percentage of school age student have AD/HD?

Probably every general education classroom has at least _____ student with AD/HD.

What is the ratio of boys to girls?

What percentage of students also have speech and language disorders?

Areas of Assessment:

DSV-IV Criteria



Behavior Rating Scales

Augmenting Curriculum: Augmenting Instruction: