Exceptional Lives - Special Education in Today's
Schools (4th Edition)
Dr. Severson Review Guide for Chapter 1-Overview
of Today's Special Education
Who Is Nolan Smith?
- What kind of disability does he have?
- What kind of services does he receive?
- Why does he receive these services? (answer
this question after reading Chapter One)
- Why is it important that he receive these services?
Profile of Students Receiving SpEd Services
- What percentage of the schools' enrolled student
received special education?
- What percentage of infants and toddlers receive
early intervention services?
- What percentage of the preschool population
receive services?
- Why are there more males receiving school age
services than females?
- What are the two largest disability categories?
- What other two categories (when combined with
those in the preceding question) comprise 88% of students with disabilities?
- Why do we need labels?
- Why should we be concerned about labels?
- What is "person-first" language?
- What is the relationship between poverty and
- Seventy-eight percent of heads of household
who have children without disabilities have completed high school. Fifty-nine
percent of heads of households that have students with disabilities have
completed high school. How can a family's education affect aspects of the
education of students with disabilities?
- How do schools independently contribute to the
incidence of special needs in different ethnic/racial groups based on the
opportunities they provide?
- How would the current referral assessment process
present bias in identification of students from different ethnic/racial
Making a Difference-What Don't You Understand About
No? Page 16
The Law and Special Education
What law supports and defines Special
- Part B-defines services for
what age group?
- Part C-defines services for
what age group?
Six Principles of IDEA (you
must have a clear understanding of these!!)
- Zero Reject
- Does "all mean all"?
- Can a student be suspended
if the behavior is part of the disability?
- How many days can a student
be suspended in a school year?
- What does "change of placement"
- What is the "manifestation
of determination" rule?
- If a team decides to change
a placement based on behavior, they must conduct a functional _____________
___________________, and and must consider whether to use positive
behavioral interventions, supports, and strategies.
- Nondiscriminatory Evaluation
- What are the two purposes?
- What are the four steps?
- Who are the required members of the team?
- Figure 1-5-Definitions of
related services, p. 18
- Figure 1-7-nondiscriminatory
evaluation safeguards
- Appropriate Education
- To be sure that students receive individualized
instruction, teams must develop an _______ __________ ___________ (IEP).
- For learners birth to two the plan is called
- Review Figure 1-10 (required content of
the IEP).
- What are the timelines for the IEP?
- Figure 1-10, Required content
of the IEP, p. 26
- Least Restrictive Environment
- What is the favored environment for educating
- Why is it necessary to have LRE as part
of the rule?
- When can a student be removed from a general
education room for educational purposes?
- What is a "continuum of services"?
- What types of nonacademic activities do
students with disabilities have a right to participate?
- Making a Difference-Danny
Wins His Lawsuit, p. 31
- Procedural Due Process
- What is the purpose?
- What is mediation? Do schools/parents have
to mediate?
- What is a "due process" hearing?
- Parent-Student Participation
- Understand the role and the rights of parents
in participating in their child's education.
Other Laws
- How does the Rehabilitation
Act and ADA define disability?
- The Rehabilitation Act and ADA
prohibits discrimination based on disability. What does this mean?