Exceptional Lives - Special Education in Today's Schools (4th Edition)

Dr. Severson Review Guide for Chapter Two - Ensuring Progress in the General Curriculum: Universal Design and Inclusion

Please read: "Who are Heather and Star Morgan?" Consider the IDEA principles of zero reject, appropriate education, least restrictive environment. Do the educational opportunities provided to Heather and Star seem appropriate?


  1. Identify two arguments for including students with disabilities in the same standards as those children without disabilities.
  2. What are the requirements of IDEA in relation to involvement in the general curriculum and state and district wide assessments?


  1. What does "universal design" mean in relation to curriculum?
  2. How does "augmentation" and "alteration" support Universal Design in curriculum?
  3. How does "augmentation" and "adaptation" enhance flexibility in instruction? Are these elements essential for participation of learners with disabilities in the general curriculum?
  4. How is "adaptation" used in the evaluation component of Universal Design?


  1. What does inclusion mean?
  2. What are the four key characteristics of inclusion? What do they mean?
  3. Do studies of teacher's perspectives of inclusionary education support it?
  4. Why do many parents of children with disabilities support inclusionary education? What do they see as beneficial?
  5. Why do many parents of children without disabilities support inclusionary education? What do they see as beneficial?
  6. Do students with disabilities support inclusionary education?

Read: Barbara Morgan: Forming the Forever Family, p. 71. Provide an example of Barbara's input into her children's school program.

Read: The Power of Great Expectation and Visions, p. 73. What was Chandra's career goal? What did Chandra's high school teachers view as an appropriate goal? What educational goals has Chandra accomplished?

Updated February 18, 2005, 5:45