SpEd 470/570 Students:

Use the following table to guide your presentation of your mobile. Do not merely just provide the answers to the questions, but include the answers in your presentation.


Transition Planning & Programming: Best Practices (Severson, Enderle, & Hoover, 2003, Chapter Two).

What is the difference between summative and formative assessment?




We have discussed the Halpern model of transition in class which expanded on Will's Model to include the three bridges and identified "Community Adjustment" as the transition outcome. "Community Adjustment", according to Halpern's model was comprised of "residential living", "personal/social supports" and "occupational outcomes". In 1993, Halpern expanded his ideas of transition outcomes to include which three domains?





Category 1: Assessment
Principle 1: Transition assessment should be _____________________ and ________________________. I'm assuming you are knowledgeable about the importance of assessment being individualized although, in many cases, assessment plans are designed around disability areas rather than designing assessment for to address individual needs. In conducting transition assessment, how would we assure our assessment process is comprehensive? Answer:

Principle2: Transition assessment can result in _____________ ___________, but programming decisions should be based on _______________________, _______________________ assessment.

What areas need to be assessed?

Are rating scales useful?


What type of assessment do we also need?



Principle 3: ___________________ and ____________________ should directly participate in the assessment process. Why?  
Principle 4: Assessment data should be employed in ________________ _____________________. How do we do this?  

Principle 5: Effective transition assessment identifies three components of behavior in all pertinent life and school domains,

(a) _____________________________,

(b) _____________________________,


What are the MN transition areas?






Category 2: Developing and Setting Goals
Principle 1: Goals and objectives should be based directly on ___________________ _____________.

What would "data based decision making" look like in practice?





Principle 2: Goals and objectives should be ______________________________. How does IDEA support this?

Does it mean we can address student needs within general education classes?



Principle 3: Goals and objectives should balance ___________________ and ___________________.

Describe the balance of ambitious goals and realistic goals.






Principle 4: ____________________ and their _______________________ should be involved. Involved in what aspects?

How is this supported?






Category 3: Programming and Curriculum
Principle 1: Direct or planned sequential instruction.

Describe this kind of instruction.






Principle 2: Effective transition programs encourage _____________ ______________ ________________. Is this, in itself, a guarantee of success?

What have studies indicated?



Principle 3: Most students with disabilities should experience _______________ or _______________ _________ as part of their school program.

What supports this?




Is their a difference in the types of experiences students have?

Principle 4: the most effective transition programs will balance curriculum in four interconnected domains:





What about students going to college?



What would be the other curriculum orientation?

Two other curriculum areas to be assessed and taught (if needs are identified).



Principle 5: Programming in _____________ __________________ and the maintenance of _____________________ probably play a central role in producing successful adult outcomes. Why?  
Principle 6: The best transition programs feature ___________, _____________, and _____________ integration. What does this mean? Why is it important?
Category 4: Collaboration, Partnerships, and Coordination
Principle 1: _______________ __________________ is at a premium in transition programming.

Why is this important?




How do we know this?
Principle 2: The involvement of the ______________ is essential in developing and establishing effective transition services.

What types of skills will the student need to have?




Principle 3: Coordination and collaboration across ___________________ is an essential component in transition planning. Who are we talking about?  

Principle 4: Full service school or so-called "____________________________" services are part of effective school programs during the transitional period.

What are the risk behaviors?



What effect do they have on youth?




What types of services would be involved?