Theme 1: Legislation & Litigation

Time to Complete Assignment


1. To explore Special Education from a historical perscpetive.

Sorrells, Rieth, and Sindelar Text, Chapter One, "The Historical Contexts of Special Education: Framing Our Understanding of Contemporary Issues" Write reflective responses to two of the questions found at the end of the chapter or write two questions of your own and write reflective responses. 2 hours
2. To review the major provisions of IDEA within the context of current service delivery. Sorrells, Rieth, and Sindelar, "Contemporary Legal Issues in Special Education" Write reflective responses to two of the questions found at the end of the chapter or write two questions of your own and write reflective responses. 2 hours

2. To demonstrate and in-depth understanding of a current litigative or legislative issue.

Potential Topics to Explore: The No Child Left Behind Act; Reauthorization of IDEA; Current Issue(s) in Litigation   6 hours?