Objective Test


1. According to IDEA '97 (PL 105-17), which of the following describes the age when transition planning must begin?

2. The federal legislation that first mandated that transitional needs of youth with disabilities be addressed within the IEP process.

3. The Americans with Disabilities Act provides for telecommunications for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.

4. IDEA 1990 identified transition as an outcome-oriented process. Outcome orientation suggest that our primary focus is:

5. Undue hardship may a reason for not making accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

6. The IPE is a plan for individualizing:

7. According to the IDEA mandates, transitional services are to be addressed through the IEP process.

8. Vocational rehabilitation services are entitlement services so all persons with disabilities will be able to access them.

9. Transition planning focuses on students' "needs, preferences, and interests" without consideration of parents' input.

10. IDEA '97 indicates that when an IEP meeting is to consider transition for a student, the school shall invite the student to participate in his/her meeting.

11. For any student who is 14 years of age or older, the annual IEP meeting will always have as one of its purposes to consider transitional service needs.

12. At least two years prior to reaching the age of majority, the IEP must indicate that the student has been informed of his or her rights.

13. The Workforce Investment Act focused on consolidating and coordinating employment programs to include vocational rehabilitation programs.

14. How does the Americans with Disabilities Act facilitate transitions of youth with disabilities?

15. Section 504 is a component of:

16. The focus of Section 504 is:

17. Transitional services should be structured around students:

18. IDEA '97 emphasized increased attention to related services in transition planning.

19. The Minnesota model for transitional planning identifies three transitional areas (Daily Living Skills, Personal Support & Safety, & Occupational Skills).

20. In PL 101-476 (IDEA, 1990) the age for transitional planning was identified as 16. In IDEA'97 the age was changed to 14. IDEIA, 2004 reverts back to 16 as the age to address the transitional needs of youth with disabilities.

Answers to Objectives Test. Please complete the preceding questions before reviewing the answers.