Adaptive Behavior

"the effectiveness or degree with which the individual meets the standard of personal independence and social responsibility"

Part of the definition of mental retardation.

Critical to determination of level of mental handicap (mild/moderate/severe/profound) (levels of support).

Edgar Doll (1935)-Vineland Social Maturity Scale

Competencies denotated by this term have been subject of considerable interest and research throughout 20th century.

Adaptive behavior should be central issue in all evaluations with students who have developmental disabilities.

Adaptive Behavior should be a central theme in programming for students with developmental disabilities.

Progress in social competencies should be closely monitored and programs should be changed to ensure acquisition of social competence.

Adaptive behavior measure are useful for:

  1. determining level of disability
  2. identifying skills mastered and not mastered.
  3. develop objectives
  4. monitor impact of interventions
  5. assess progress
  6. evaluate outcomes
  7. program evaluation

Similarities in conception of Adaptive Behavior

Differences in conceptions of Adaptive Behavior

  1. importance of underlying cognitive competencies-some relatively ignore this, some ask directly (how the question is asked, Does Egbert go tot he store and purchase things using money? vs. Given a set of coins can Egbert make change for a purchase of a particular amount?)
  2. Purpose--program planning/intervention, eligibility (usually good for one but not both)
  3. Setting-in school, outside of school, both
  4. Preferred respondent-parent vs. teacher
  5. Method of measurement-use of third party respondents vs direct observation or direct interview
  6. Domains of behavior to be included-some common domains appear in all-others (i.e., motor skills, maladaptive behavior) only found in some scales

Minnesota Domains

1. Independent Functioning


2. Social Functioning

3. Functional Academic competencies

4. Vocational/Occupational competencies

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales


Scales of Independent Behavior (SIB)

Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills (CALS)