Personal-Social Skills

Competency ___ Subcompetency ___

  1. Visit a court house.
  2. Study an abbreviated version of the Bill of Rights.
  3. Students role play a potential borrower and lender.

Occupational Guidance and Preparation

Competency ___ Subcompetency ___

  1. Students discuss which jobs seems most appealing or interesting.
  2. Students list, on chalkboard or newsprint, aspects of different jobs.
  3. Students visit job sites they believe meet their interests.


Personal Social Skills

Competency ___ Subcompetency ___

  1. Students attempt a consensus on right/wrong and beneficial/detrimental aspects of a particular situation.
  2. Teacher reads a particular situation and students respond with their perceptions of whether a particular behavior is appropriate.
  3. Teacher tells a story of two people who have the same goal but different life situations, and the students discuss the positive and negative effects of the goal for that person.
  4. Class role-plays everyday situations and discusses the positive and negative aspects of the situations.

Daily Living

Competency ___ Subcompetency ___

  1. Class discusses first aid techniques.
  2. Students discuss do's and don'ts when meeting strangers.
  3. Students take field trip to Red Cross Emergency Center.

Occupational Guidance and Preparation

Competency ___ Subcompetency ___

  1. Students are asked to perform a specific job within a time frame.
  2. Students discuss employer expectations.
  3. Students create a display on a bulletin board illustrating examples of rate per different jobs.

Key Concepts of the LCCE Curriculum: