Personal-Social Skills
Competency ___ Subcompetency ___
- Visit a court house.
- Study an abbreviated version of the Bill of Rights.
- Students role play a potential borrower and lender.
Occupational Guidance and Preparation
Competency ___ Subcompetency ___
- Students discuss which jobs seems most appealing or
- Students list, on chalkboard or newsprint, aspects of
different jobs.
- Students visit job sites they believe meet their
Personal Social Skills
Competency ___ Subcompetency ___
- Students attempt a consensus on right/wrong and
beneficial/detrimental aspects of a particular situation.
- Teacher reads a particular situation and students respond
with their perceptions of whether a particular behavior
is appropriate.
- Teacher tells a story of two people who have the same
goal but different life situations, and the students
discuss the positive and negative effects of the goal for
that person.
- Class role-plays everyday situations and discusses the
positive and negative aspects of the situations.
Daily Living
Competency ___ Subcompetency ___
- Class discusses first aid techniques.
- Students discuss do's and don'ts when meeting strangers.
- Students take field trip to Red Cross Emergency Center.
Occupational Guidance and Preparation
Competency ___ Subcompetency ___
- Students are asked to perform a specific job within a
time frame.
- Students discuss employer expectations.
- Students create a display on a bulletin board
illustrating examples of rate per different jobs.
Key Concepts of the LCCE Curriculum:
- Number of Competencies ______
- Number of Subcompetencies ______