SpEd 456/556 Functional Curriculum Development
Fall Semester 2007
The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of individuals with developmental disabilities as well as a functional, life-skills orientation to assessment and curriculum. Students will perform both informal and formal assessment, write an assessment report, and develop curriculum which allow for integration of students with identified cognitive impairments.
Description of Conceptual Model
Students with Disabilities: Students with Disabilities: “Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutges, Coordinator of Disability Services at 477-2652 (voice) or 477-2047 (TTY), CMU 222 as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.”
MN Department of Education (2004). Promising practices for the identification of individuals with developmental cognitive disabilities.
Wehman, P., & Kregel, J. (2004). Functional curriculum for elementary, middle, & secondary age students with special needs (2nd Ed.). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
Assessments (to be reviewed in class):
Students enrolled in this course are concurrently enrolled with an accompanying practicum. Students are expected to complete assigned readings and come to class prepared to discuss content outlined by the instructor (study guides completed prior to class discussion). Students will relate instructional content to practicum experiences. Students are expected to reflect on experiences within their practicum, relating the information shared to course content within the DD licensure requirements. Assessment methods/instrumentation will be reviewed as specific instructional areas are reviewed. Each student will complete an assessment at their practicum site, write an assessment summary report, and present assessment information to the class.
ASTM 7. Design an organized, effective and appropriate curriculum.
Students will:
1. Develop a knowledge of formal and informal assessment procedures/instruments and demonstrate the ability to identify appropriate assessment procedures for individual learners.
2. Demonstrate the ability conduct informal and informal assessment procedures and summarize assessment information in a report that is understandable to students, parents, teachers, and other professionals.
3. Understand the ethical concerns relative to assessment including reliability, validity, bias, and appropriateness of assessment instruments.
4. Understand how to adapt and modify existing assessment tools and methods to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with developmental disabilities.
5. Understand and apply various educational models (developmental, functional, inclusive) and select educational settings (school and community based) which are designed to meet the unique needs of learners with developmental disabilities.
6. Understand how to develop instructional programs with a life skills focus which address the unique needs of learners with developmental disabilities.
ASTM 4. Employs appropriate group and individual instructional strategies.
7. Demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver appropriate instruction using methodology & resources, which reflect best practice and are appropriate the learner.
8. Identify classroom management techniques that promote a positive learning environment for individuals with developmental disabilities.
9. Understand the roles and responsibilities of support staff in addressing the educational needs of learners with developmental disabilities.
****All late assignments will receive a reduction of one grade for each day past the due date. Assignments more than five days late will not be accepted.
Assessment Summary Report (15 pts.), Due: November 29th
With consultation with your supervising teacher, select an assessment instrument (those identified on page one of this syllabus) and administer it to a student in the classroom at your SpEd 467D Practicum site. You may check out the instruments from the Special Education Office and purchase a protocol from the SpEd secretary. After administering the assessment, write an assessment summary report. The report should include demographic information (you should make up a student name, school, name of parents, but include factual information about the student's age, placement, etc.). The report should also contain a description of student strengths and a description of areas of possible concern (skills the student has not yet attained). You will need to consult with me about the assessment you choose, the areas you select to administer (at least 15 subscales), and the format and information you include in your report.
Functional Behavioral Assessment (9 pts.), Due December 4th
Curriculum Review (10 pts.), Due October 16
On reserve at the library you will find a copy of the Adaptive Living Skills Curriculum. Review this curriculum using the guidelines provided at the 456/556 website.
Graduate Students
Write a topical paper about an issue related to persons with Developmental Disabilities. Use APA style (APA manual can be purchased at the book store). The paper must be well written, grammatically correct, with at least six references from Special Education professional journals. Not more than eight pages, typed, double spaced.
Topic | Reading | Date |
Introduction of Course & Practicum | ||
Historical perspective Video: Abolition of Shame |
Promising Practices pages 7-11 | |
What's New in Definition?
Promising Practices, page 12 | |
Developmental Disabilities Act Mental Retardation (AAMR Definitions) |
Promising Practices, pages 14-16 | |
Part I Worksheet | Promising Practices, pages 7-25 | |
MN Eligibility Criteria for DCD | Promising Practices, pages 26-27 | |
Worksheet Part II | Promising Practices, pages 29-38 | |
Re-evaluation | Promising Practices, pages 39-41 | |
Guest speaker from School Psych | ||
Part IV Worksheet-Review of assessment report; | Appendix D-Student B, pages 73-88 | |
Student D-Worksheet completed in groups of 2 | Promising Practices, pages 89-98 | |
Test | ||
Incidence and Prevalence Motivational Factors |
Learning Characteristics | Web site | |
Functional Behavioral Assessment | Web site tutorial; Sample report | |
Brigance Basic Skills
Brigance Essential Skills Brigance Life Skills Brigance Employability Skills |
Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills (CALS), Life Centered Career Education Battery (LCCE) | ||
Test | ||
Principles of Curriculum Design | Wehman & Kregel, Chapter One | |
Accessing the General Education Curriculum | Wehman & Kregel, Chapter Four
Functional Academics | Wehman & Kregel, Chapter Five
Financial Planning | Wehman & Kregel, Chapter Six
Employment | Wehman & Kregel, Chapter 8
Community Participation | Wehman & Kregel, Chapter 10