


1980s Image Gallery

College begins
The college adventure begins.
fill request intel game 80s
Before students had access to personal computers on campus, an "intellivision" game console could be had for less than $200. 
rare protest
While protests were rarer in the 1980s, a residue
of concerns moved these students to speak out.
1980 bbchampionship
Steve Richardson, Mike Howard
and Bob Barsic celebrate MSU's
regional basketball championship, 1980.
MSU student takes part in
annual phonation fundraiser.
Jessie McKellar (center) was the first woman inducted into the MSU Dragon Hall of Fame, 1982.
PC alb
PC technology influenced the science classes
first, but quickly spread to all subjects.
1983 outdoor
1983 campus scene.

Late '70s, early '80s reunion of the
Old Order of Owls.
Earl Herring
Earl R. Herring, Vice President of Administrative
Affairs, was the man charged to manage the budget
and keep MSU solvent in decade of rising expenses.
1980s laser
Lasers enhanced physics studies.
fill request planetarium
MSU Planetarium program teaches local school students.
Summer Elderhostel students examine wild flowers in classes in history, plant biology and other subjects (Alumnews photo).
buffalo river
Using prairie grass land purchased in the late 70s, along the Buffalo River east of Moorhead, the University planned to build a "Regional Science Center" for education in "local ecology, natural history, topography and field studies." See the 1983 Executive summary of the Science Center Design plans.
FC Richardson
F. C. Richardson, MSU's Vice President of
Academic Affairs in the 1980s.
Watt protest
Dismay at decisions concerning Federal land uses led many students into environmental studies.
gumi 1980s
Constructed entirely with recycled materials, this canoe enabled alumni John Boulger (in front, class of 1971) and his partner Rolf Slatten to take 2nd place in the 1987 'GUMI' rowing competition in Australia.
Women' tennis
1985 Women's Tennis team.
advocate 1985
"Advo-toon" 1985
Landowski Poland
A political refugee from Poland, Ryszard Landowski found a home in America in 1984 and a job with MSU maintenance staff. Poland would break free of Soviet domination in 1989.
i lovo honduras
Ileana Lovo of Honduras was one of some 115 international students on campus in the mid-80s.
tae kwon do Weisser 1986
Karen Weisser, Tae Kwon Do instructor, 1986.
Falwell cartoon
Colleges were caught unprepared for modern deniers of  evolution (cartoon from Advocate).
80s child care
MSU merged the Children's House (day care program) with Early Childhood Center program in 1986, allowing education faculty to conduct research on pre-school learning and development.
dragon float
Built by the Industrial Arts Department in the 1980s, the "Dragon Float" graced homecoming parades.
Be it ever so peaceful, the modern
university needs Nightwatch
1980s winter
In a heavy winter, snow removal can run the university's budget into the red.
library 1886 outside
Livingston Lord Library, 1987, with newly added third and fourth floors, doubling the collection's capacity.
80s lib interior
Construction nears completion in the Library, 1987.
MSU vs concordia
MSU vs. Concordia at the Crystal Bowl, 1987.
fill request
Hendrix Lynn Ebner
Lynn Ebner dispenses aid and comfort to students at Hendrix Health.  By the late 1980s, studies showed that the average student was working 20-plus hours a week and losing 10-plus hours of sleep in order to pay for college.
freshman orientation
Freshman orientation, latter 1980s.
pres for a day 1987
"President for a day" Lilias Jones admits that running MSU is "challenging," 1987.
Click photo to see the 1987 play schedule for
that summer's Straw Hat Players (pdf file).
car sale
High costs, desperate measures.
An entire music collection could now be kept in small set of tapes.
Vinz mid 80s
Mark Vinz began his 21st year at MSU in 1988.  By then, he had published his poetry in over 100 journals, anthologies and collections. He also edited the student publication, Red Weather. Click to read two Vinz poems.
tv journalism
MSU Campus News station -- the number of TV journalism majors increased rapidly during the decade.
1980s spring
By the mid-1980s textbooks cost more than double what they had a decade earlier. 
grads 1987
Last minute adjustments for graduation, 1987.
fill request 100 anniversary
A two-year celebration for the school's 100th anniversary began in 1987.
Roland Dille and Concordia President Paul Dovre
plant the MSU Centennial tree, 1987.
More than 50 years after joining the Moorhead State faculty, Dr. Clarence (Soc) Glasrud writes a 2-volume history of the school for the Centennial.
Brigadoon late 80s
Performance of Brigadoon.
David Ferreira, conducting the MSU orchestra.
Click to see a 1989 performance program.
89 cross country
1989 MSU Cross Country Team. From 1981-90, MSU's team marked up nine NIC championships.
finals library
Students study for finals at the MSU Library.

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