Performance Assessment
Assignment Sheet EECE 388
Due Date: October 12th
Items to be included:
Title Page
Title of the project
Your Name
Name of Class
Learning targets
Grade level for your chosen unit
4 - 5 specific learning targets
3 Minnesota Standards for your unit
Assignment instructions for two performance assessments
Demonstrate 1 assignment as an example of "Authentic Assessment"
Clear statement of the target to be performed
Conditions under which the performance will happen
Communicate how the performance will be judged
A checklist for each Performance Assessment
Separate evaluative checklists
Tabular Format
All appropriate points of content
Half-page resolution to a disability issue (Choose 1 or 1 of your
Attention Deficit Disorder
Learning Disabilities in content areas
Social/Emotional Disorders
Physically Impaired
Gifted & Talented
A one page analysis of your test based on the 5 quality standards
Half-Page summary of a research journal article on authentic assessment.
- Same format as the previous project.