Selected Response Test
Scoring Criteria
"A" Level
Project is complete; all major components are present
Each component is appropriate length
Each component is well reasoned
Each component is clearly written
There is complete agreement across components
The targets, plan, test bank and test all coincide subject-wise
The targets, plan, test bank and test all coincide reasoning -wise.
Good, sound rationale for the table of specifications
Spread of items is sufficiently explained
Total number of items on test is explained
Sampling of content areas is explained
Briefly & clearly stated reasons
Test Bank's reasoning skills are stated (in parenthesis)
Accurately demonstrates the reasoning skills
Accurately demonstrates the content area
Good sound test
Items are clear derived from the subject area
Directions & sub-directions are clear & direct
No internal clues in the test items; (the longest answer is usually correct)
All methods are present; Matching, True/False, Mult. Choice, & Fill-in
The reasoning skills are accurately demonstrated and noted in PARENTHESIS
Test-analysis is complete
All of the 5 standards of quality assessment are addressed & subtitled
Brief and to the point yet complete and thorough
Clearly & insightfully written showing self-governance
Journal Article Summary
- Clearly on topic
- In-depth & brief summary
- Bibliography is at the top of the page.
"B" Level
A major component is missing or
Rationale for all sampling issues are irrelevant or
Inconsistent across components; test plan does not match test
Problems with internal clues; the answer to a question is given in another
Did not demonstrate skill for building all methods or
Did not demonstrate skill for writing differing reasoning styles or
Misinterprets the some of the 5 standards of quality assessment
"C" Level
Two major components missing
Rationale for the table is off topic & incomplete
Many dissargreements across components
Did not attempt all methods or reasoning
Shows very little understanding for the 5 standards of quality assessment
"D" Level
Three major components are missing
Rationale makes very little sense
Components that are present have almost nothing to do with one another
Not clear what methods or reasoning skills are being tested
Test-analysis demonstrates no insight or understanding of the 5 standards
of quality assessment