The Grand Round assignment for this course is the central point of the whole course. It does you very little good to study multiple theories without the benefit of learning to also apply them to prospective students. It is, admittedly, a very challenging assignment, and, at the same time, one of the most satisfying as well. My goal for you is to take the 16 different theories presented in this class and demonstrate your mastery of them by fully integrating & synthesizing them into a single, coherent, insightful explanation of another human being. Put more simply, I want you to make 16 different theories look like one.Below you will find a list of links to the assignment, rating scale, feedback sheets, student profiles, peer-evaluations, and example Grand Round projects from former students. You will need to have MS WORD software to open any of them.
- Assignment
- Rating Scale
- Feedback Sheet
- Student Profiles (25)
- Summer Schedule
- 9:00 Schedule
- 10:30 Schedule
- 2:00 Schedule
- Peer-Evaluation
- Referral List in Fargo Moorhead
- Example Grand Round Presentation
- Example PowerPoint 2
- PowerPoint Workshop Handout
- Presentations Using PowerPoint
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