ED 513

Psychology of Teaching and Learning

Brian G. Smith, Ph.D.

Lesson 1 - Grand Round Assignment 1

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Presentation of Theory Application

Reading: Chapter None

Assignment Information:

Grand Rounds are a clinical tradition in the medical and psychological fields.  The most important emphasis is on applying your knowledge of the human condition to a specific case in order to gain reliable, theoretically based insights into that person’s world.  My expectation is that you will use many different theories in combination with each other in order to explain more fully who your profile really is.  The point of a Grand Round is to fully integrate every theory covered in this course into understanding the complexity of a single human being that has a problem of some kind.  As we go along with this course you will take each theory and apply the theory to that person's behavior.

You will need to start by choosing a subject to analyze.  This is your first assignment for lesson 1.  The criteria for your choice is fairly straight forward.

  1. Appropriate school age for your subject area

  2. Must have some kind of issue, problem, or conflict with which to deal.

    1. Doesn't have to be a huge problem, but if it is big that is fine as well.

    2. Doesn't have to be one of the disorders in this course but if it is then that is also fine.

    3. Must have an impact on their school performance in some way.

  3. Must keep the person's privacy.

    1. Change the name

    2. Change the branding event

    3. Don't use celebrities

  4. The best Grand Rounds come from analyzing that person that drove you crazy and you never knew why.

On your first website, just start outlining who this profile is.  You can begin this process by following the outline below.

  1. Fictitious Name of your Profile

  2. Anonymous photo of a person that could be your profile

    1. Do NOT use celebrities.

  3. Explain the student's behaviors. 

    1. Tell the case study

    2. Tell a story very specifically

    3. Story should demonstrate, reveal, or operationalize what the student's issue is.

  4. Discuss the student's background

    1. Socio-Economic Status

    2. Neighborhood, city, region

    3. Pets, friends, siblings, parental status

  5. Discuss the student's personal qualities

    1. Interests-What does s/he do when they have nothing to do?

    2. Hobbies-Where does s/he spend their time?

    3. Extra-Curricular activities?

    4. Daily routines?


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