ED 513

Psychology of Teaching and Learning

Brian G. Smith, Ph.D.

Lesson 1 - Piaget's Concept of Schemes

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Presentation of Theoretical Construct

Reading: Chapter 2

Lecture Information:

Piaget's Learning Model is one of the more profound models for learning that has yet been proposed.  Look carefully at the diagram given below.  Please note how the function of adaptation to the demands of a new environment work in this model.


  • Scheme - Mental systems or categories of perception and experience; a learners body of knowledge.

  • Equilibration - Search for mental balance between cognitive schemes and information from the new situation.

  • Disequilibration - The mental "out of balance" state occurs when a person realizes that current schemes are not working in the new situation.

  • Assimilation - The fitting of new information into existing schemes successfully.

  • Accommodation - Altering the existing schemes or creation of new schemes to respond productively in a new situation.

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