Lecture Information:
Applying Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development
For this week's
lesson on Socio-cultural cognitive development, we will concentrate
on Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD). Vygotsky's
model for teaching and learning is a very good example. It is
basically a variation on Piaget's model for learning except that the
ZPD capitalizes on the teaching aspect more effectively. For
Vygotsky, learning takes place as a result of a social interaction
with a more knowledgeable peer or superior, which in a sense is what
teaching really is. Also please keep in mind the Special
Education topics that we cover in each lesson as well. If your
profile has some similar issues, then use that information as well.
For your
assignment, I would like you to think in terms of the layers of
expertise that the ZPD. In each of the layers I would like you
to discuss the items of knowledge/skills/abilities that pertain to
the subject area that you are using to apply the theory in General.
For example, if you are using quadratic equations to illustrate the
middle layer, i.e., the ZPD, then you could use basic algebraic
problem solving as their inner layer, items that require no social
interaction anymore. So to summarize:
Inner Layer- Discuss items that the
student has complete control over.
require no instruction from you other than a direction to do
It is a "fet
accompli." They come to you with these items or you
have already taught it to them.
Middle Layer-Discuss items that the
student might acquire with your help as a teacher.
They need
you to show them how to do it.
They need
you to supervise, guide, and correct missteps.
Outer Layer-Discuss items that the
student can not acquire before frustration sets in.
They need
more help than you can give them
might say that the student doesn't have the cultural
resources to support them.