Lesson 4 - Grand Round Assignment

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Presentation of Theoretical Application

Reading: Chapter None

Lecture Information:

In this lesson, we have gone over different language acquisition theories including second language acquisition and some of the problems student may have with these issues.  For your Grand Round, I would like you to consider your student's verbal abilities.  Quite often teachers come to very erroneous conclusions about what a child knows or the potential that a child has based on the child's verbal abilities that may or may not be playing a role.  It is very important to remember, especially with English Language Learners, that verbal abilities are broken into separate skills that may have very different levels of competence.  The four areas are speaking, writing, reading, and listening.  You should comment on your student's abilities in each area by following the outline below.  You do NOT need to comment on ALL of the items in the outline, but all four skill areas need some kind of analysis and behavioral evidence that demonstrates it. 

  1. Speaking Issues

    1. Social Register-Comment on changes in the way s/he speaks from formal to informal.

    2. Vocabulary-Study & explain how your student uses appropriate jargon, slang, and specialized vocabulary.

    3. Fluency-Explore your student's abilities to speak freely, easily, and thoughtfully.

  2. Writing Issues

    1. Social Register-Evaluate your student's ability to adjust their language to fit the formality or informality of a situation.

    2. Syntax-Does your student use standard English?

    3. Cognitive Organization-Analyze your student's sense of control over how their expression should be presented?

  3. Reading Issues

    1. Fluency-Does your student read at an appropriate speed?

    2. Comprehension-Is your student able to summarize what s/he has just read?

    3. Multiple Strategies-Expand on s/he methods for reading vastly different material.

  4. Listening Issues

    1. Attention-Probe the way your student maintains attention when spoken to.

    2. Retention-Can they repeat back to you your directions to them?

    3. Response-Consider how appropriately they respond to what is said to them by others.

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