Lesson 12 - Extrinsic Motivation

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Presentation of Theoretical Construct

Reading: Chapter 10

Lecture Information:

  1. Extrinsic Motivation
    1. It is motivation that is generated by external factors outside of the learner.  More clinically speaking, it is the direct and concrete experience of perceived rewards or punishments by the actor. 
    2. Student Quote: "So what do I get if I do this?"
    3. Examples of Possible Extrinsic Motivators:
      1. Money, Grades, Trophies, Stickers, Candy, Cars, Clothing, Spanking, Groundings, Praise, Peer-Pressure,????????
    4. Probable impact on students Using Extrinsic Motivators:
      1. Immediate impact on student performance as long as the reward is highly valued
      2. The students do not need to be even interested in the topic; they are not there for the subject matter.
      3. Impact is not usually long lasting on the students, once they leave the classroom, they leave the subject matter behind as well.
      4. Sometimes, and the research is mixed on this issue, there is a transition to Intrinsic Motivation for students.  They start the activity because they are getting graded or rewarded somehow and then find that they really enjoy it.

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