Health 125 - First Aid/CPR

Course Description: This course is designed to prepare the student to deal effectively with situations in which emergency care is required and medical assistance is not readily available.

Required Text/Readings: American Red Cross, First Aid: Responding to Emergencies, Third Edition, 2008.

Conceptual Framework: Link to summary

Course Objectives:


  1. Define first aid.

  2. Identify the reasons for first aid

  3. State the general directions for administering first aid.

  4. Recall the classifications and types of wounds.

  5. Discuss the treatment for wounds.

  6. Define traumatic shock.

  7. Discuss the treatment for shock.

  8. Define a respiratory emergency.

  9. Discuss the treatment for all breathing emergencies.

  10. Define a poison.

  11. Define the different classifications of burns.

  12. Discuss the treatment for burn emergencies.

  13. Differentiate the treatment for frostbite and hypothermia.

  14. Differentiate the treatment for heat stroke, heat cramps and heat exhaustion.

  15. Identify and discuss sudden illnesses and their immediate treatment.

  16. Define fracture, sprain, strain, and dislocation.

  17. Discuss the treatment for bone and joint injuries.

  18. Select and utilize appropriate supplies and equipment.

  19. Understand safety issues when planning and implementing care.

  20. Prevent or reduce the risk of accidents and sudden illnesses.

  21. Identify behaviors that foster and hinder well-being.

  22. Discuss the treatment for bone/joint injuries.


  1. Illustrate methods of dressing and bandaging.

  2. Illustrate the Heimlich maneuver.

  3. Illustrate the procedures for rescue breathing and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Instructional Strategies: Instructor directed presentations, small group discussions and assessments, written assignments and the viewing of the American Red Cross video.

Diversity: Diversity is not addressed in this course.

Course Requirements: Regular class attendance is mandatory.  If a class period is missed please contact a classmate to determine what course objectives were discussed and make arrangements for ascertaining any notes.

  1. Missed quizzes and in-class participation worksheets cannot be made up.

  2. Assignments not turned in at the beginning of class will not receive full credit.

  3. All students are expected to contribute to class discussions in a productive manner.

Evaluation: The following criteria will be utilized in the determination of overall grade performance.

Written examinations(3)
Final exam
There are no provisions for extra credit.

Letter grades: The following percentages will determine course grades:

A+ 98-100
A 93-97
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F Below 60

Special accommodations: (From the Disability Services Office) Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this class are encourages to contact Greg Toutges, Coordinator of Disability Services at 299-5850 V/TTY, CMU 222, as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

*Additional material and/or changes may be necessary in order to meet the needs and demands of this course.

Tentative Schedule: Link to Fall 2008 Day Section / Night Class

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