PE 105 Beginning Golf

Course Description: This course is designed to allow the student to gain basic knowledge and experience in the game of golf

Required Texts/Readings: None

Conceptual Framework: Link to summary



  1. Gain general knowledge concerning the sport of golf.

  2. Understand basic rules that regulate the game.

  3. Be able to define specific golf terminology.

  4. Understand the proper equipment necessary.

  5. Identify safety precautions required for the participation in golf.

  6. Understand scoring procedures of the game

  7. Become familiar with proper golf etiquette.

  8. Recognize the values and benefits of participation in golf.


  1. Demonstrate proper mechanics and proficiency in the execution of several different shots.

Educational Opportunities: 

  1. Instructor directed presentations/demonstrations.

  2. Instructional videos.

  3. Individual skill development practice.

  4. Small group skill development practice.

  5. Completion of handouts.

Competency Assessment: 

Skill testing 30%
Mid-term exam 20%
Final exam 20%
Notebook 20%
Attendance 10%

Letter Grades: Letter grades are based on the following percentages:

90-100 A
80-90 B
70-80 C
60-70 D
Below 60 F


  1. Each student is encouraged to supply their own golf clubs.  If you do not have a set of clubs MSUM can supply a few different club selections.

  2. Each student should purchase a bag of golf tees for their own use.

  3. The class will attempt to use either the Meadows or Village Green driving ranges several times during the course.  Student will need to purchase a bucket of balls for these practice sessions.

Safety Procedures/Precautions:

  1. All students are required to wear appropriate clothing.

  2. Extreme caution must be taken before swinging any golf club and/or hitting golf balls.  ALWAYS make sure there is no one standing behind or near you when you are swinging.

  3. Everyone must wait until the instructor gives the command to start hitting or retrieving range balls.

  4. Keep a proper grip on clubs during swinging.

  5. It is important to properly stretch following each session.


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