PE 124 - Beginning Badminton

Course Description:
This course is designed to teach students basic skills in badminton. 
Instruction focuses on strategies and rules used in both singles and doubles.

Required Texts/Readings: Bloss, Margaret and Hales, R., Badminton, 7th edition, 2009.

Conceptual Framework: Link to summary

Course Objectives:


  1. Understand the basic rules pertaining to serving, receiving, and general play.
  2. Be able to define specific terms associated with badminton.
  3. Understand badminton's background, origin, and history
  4. Be able to identify areas, lines, and dimensions of a singles and doubles court.


  1. Demonstrate the proper grips.
  2. Demonstrate correct stroking procedures
  3. Demonstrate proper footwork and body positioning.
  4. Perform all strokes.

Instructional Strategies: Instructor directed presentations, worksheets, individual skill development practice and competitive skill development in games.

Diversity: Diversity is not addressed in this course.

Course Requirements: Regular class attendance is mandatory.  If a class period is missed please contact a classmate to determine what course objectives were discussed and make necessary arrangements for any missed notes.

Evaluation: The following criteria will be utilized in the determination of overall grade performance.

Skill testing individual 30%
competitive 20%
Mid-term exam 20%
Final exam 20%
Attendance 10%

Letter grades: The following percentages will determine course grades:

90-100 A
80-90 B
70-80 C
60-70 D
Below 60 F


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