PE 311 - Motor
Course Description: This course is designed to expose students to
different learning theories and how to incorporate them into teaching
motor skills. Areas of study include theoretical and applied
knowledge of the individual, instructional and environmental variables
relevant to teaching, learning and performance of various motor
Required Texts/Readings:
Rose, Debra. A Multilevel Approach to the Study of Motor Control
and Learning, Boston: Allen and Bacon Publishing Company, 2008.
Conceptual Framework:

Instructional Strategies: Instructor
directed presentations, small group discussions and assessments, written
assignments and an experiment in the learning and development of a new
motor skill.
Diversity: Diversity is not
addressed in this course.
Course Requirements: Regular
class attendance is mandatory. If a class period is missed please
contact a classmate to determine what course objectives were discussed and
make arrangements for ascertaining any notes.
quizzes and in-class participation worksheets cannot be made up.
not turned in at the beginning of class will not receive full credit.
must be computer generated (or typed).
students are expected to contribute to class discussions in a
meaningful and productive manner.
Evaluation: The following
criteria will be utilized in the determination of overall grade
Written exams (3)
20% |
Final exam
20% |
Written project
(motor skill development)
10% |
5% |
5% |
There are no provisions for extra
credit. |
Letter grades: The following percentages will determine course
A+ |
98-100 |
A |
93-97 |
A- |
90-92 |
B+ |
87-89 |
B |
83-86 |
B- |
80-82 |
C+ |
77-79 |
C |
73-76 |
C- |
70-72 |
D+ |
67-69 |
D |
63-66 |
D- |
60-62 |
F |
Below 60 |
accommodations: (From the
Disability Services
Office) Students
with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this
class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutges, Coordinator of
Disability Services at 299-5859 V/TTY, CMU 222, as soon as possible
to ensure that accommodations are implements in a timely fashion.
material and/or changes may be necessary in order to meet the needs
of the class.
Tentative Schedule: Link to
Spring 2010