PE 460 - Principles of Coaching

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles, philosophies and theories associated with effective coaching. A major emphasis will be placed on coaching philosophy, sport pedagogy, psychological aspects of coaching, and the legal issues involved with coaching.

Required Texts/Readings: Jones, Billie, et. al., Guide to Effective Coaching, 4th edition, 2008 and Rotella, Bob,, Case Studies in Sport Psychology, 2007.

Conceptual Framework: Link to summary

Course Objectives:

  1. Achieve technical literacy

  1. Understand the key elements of sport principles.

  2. Identify technical skills and the various teaching methodologies utilized during instruction.

  1. Organize curriculum

  1. Understand the process of establishing goals and objectives.

  2. Discuss the factors which play a role in progression of sport skills.

  3. be able to design training and conditioning programs in accordance with the abilities of the athletes.

  1. Apply liberal studies knowledge

  1. Understand the importance of time management

  2. Define the necessary criteria for development of effective practices.

  3. Understand the risk factors associated with coaching.

  4. Discuss the legal implications and responsibilities associated with coaching.

  1. Demonstrate professionalism

  1. Identify the professional preparations available for coaches

  2. Discuss the importance of sportsmanship in athletics.

  3. Understand the roles and influences coaches have toward athletes.

  4. Identify the roles of assistant and head coaches.

  1. Respect individual differences

  1. Differentiate between the different styles of coaching.

  2. Be able to recognize the developmental changes as athletes mature and understand how these changes affect learning and performance of sport skills.

  1. Create stimulating environments

  1. Define the necessary criteria for the development of effective practices.

  2. Discuss the importance of incorporating variety in practices.

  1. Engage in life long learning

  1. Summarize the certification programs available to coaches.

  2. encourage participation in continuing education regarding rule changes and improved techniques in order to enhance the safety and success of the athlete.

  1. Exemplify fairness

  1. Discuss the philosophy and importance of winning.

  2. Summarize the principles of reinforcement and punishment.

  3. Understand the athletes' rights and due process.

  4. Discuss the importance of treating each athlete as an individual.

  1. Teach and evaluate

  1. Discuss the role of motivation in athletics.

  2. Identify the various aspects of mental training and pea performance.

  3. Understand the factors necessary for teaching a new sport skill.

  4. Review training principles and physiological differences.

  5. Identify signs of over-training.

  6. Understand the effective criteria for the evaluation of coaches.

  7. Identify the materials necessary for scouting and game evaluation.

  1. Communicate effectively

  1. Summarize aspects of the interview process.

  2. Understand the different approaches of communication.

  3. Demonstrate effective motivational skills and provide positive feedback.

Instructional Strategies: Instructor directed presentations, small group videos, and in and out of class writing assignments.

Diversity: Diversity is addressed with discussion of culturally responsive pedagogy.

Course Requirements: Regular class attendance is mandatory.  If a class period is missed please contact a classmate to determine what course objectives were discussed and make arrangements for ascertaining any notes.

  1. Missed quizzes and in-class participation worksheets cannot be made up.

  2. Assignments not turned in at the beginning of class will not receive full credit.

  3. Assignments must be computer generated (or typed).

  4. All students are expected to contribute to class discussions in a meaningful and productive manner.

Evaluation: The following criteria will be utilized in the determination of overall grade performance.

Written examinations (3) 20%
Final exam 20%
Written assignments (presentation) 20%
Attendance/class participation
There are no provisions for extra credit.

Letter grades: The following percentages will determine course grades:

A+ 98-100
A 93-97
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F Below 60

Special Accommodations: (From the Disability Services Office) Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutgas, Coordinator of Disability Services at 477-5859 V/TTY, CUM 222, as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Tentative Schedule: Link to Fall 2010

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