PE 461 Coaching Practicum

Course Description: This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to apply the principles and practices of coaching in a junior high or high school environment.  The student will be allowed to actively participate in practical coaching experiences under the guidance and supervision of a qualified coach.


  1. Achieve technical literacy

  1. Acquire sufficient practical field experience and supervision in the essential coaching areas to ensure an adequate level of coaching competence for the level of athlete coaches.

  2. Know the key elements of sport principles and technical skills, and the various teaching methodologies that can be utilized to introduce them.

  3. Develop a thorough understanding of the offensive and defensive philosophy of the program.

  1. Organize curriculum

  1. Be able to design training and conditioning programs in accordance with the abilities of the athletes.

  2. Understand the importance of practice and contest management.

  1. Apply liberal studies knowledge

  1. Understand culturally diverse coaching techniques.

  1. Manage the classroom

  1. Incorporate the factors necessary for developing an effective practice.

  2. Summarize the organization and preparation requirements prior to competitions.

  1. Respect individual differences

  1. Understand the coach's philosophy and their importance on winning.

  2. Be able to recognize the developmental changes as how these changes effect learning and performance.

  3. Accept each athlete as an individual while recognizing the dynamic relationship of personality and socio-economic variables such as gender, race and socio-economic differences.

  1. Demonstrate professionalism

  1. Discuss the importance of sportsmanship in athletics.

  2. Understand the roles and influences coaches have toward athletes.

  3. Identify and apply ethical conduct in sport by maintaining emotional control and demonstrating respect for athletes, officials and others.

  1. Create stimulating environments

  1. Incorporate a variety of activities and levels within practices.

  1. Engage in life long learning

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of proper nutrition, stress reduction and fitness and educate athletes about the effects they play on their health and performance.

  1. Exemplify fairness

  1. Understand the athletes' rights and due process.

  2. Understand the selection and placement process of players for contests.

  1. Teach and evaluate

  1. Encourage and demonstrate mental training techniques for peak performance.

  2. Understand the process for the evaluation of coaches.

  3. Understand the scouting and game evaluation process.

  4. demonstrate the ability to analyze and evaluate individual and team performances.

  5. Be able to demonstrate some of the basic skills necessary for the sport.

  1. Communicate effectively

  1. Demonstrate effective motivational skills for practices and contests.

  2. Understand the importance of positive feedback.

Educational Opportunities:

  1. Discussions with supervisor.

  2. Attendance at coaches meetings.

  3. Individual and small group skill development sessions.

  4. Observation of coaches teaching strategies.

  5. Attendance and participation in athletic practices.

  6. Evaluation of game/contest films.

  7. Required written summary and evaluation of practicum experience.

Competency Assessment:

  1. Supervisors written evaluation.

  2. Instructors evaluation (includes observations and discussions with supervisor).

  3. If necessary, classroom discussions at MSUM

  4. Summary and evaluation of experience

  5. All required paperwork processed and returned.

  6. The course will be graded as Pass/Fail

Requirements:  Students MUST:

  1. Be of junior standing (64 credits).

  2. Be officially enrolled in PE 461 prior to starting their practicum experience.

  3. Have successfully completed AT 250: Injury Management and one of the coaching theory courses (PE 370 or PE 379).  Transcripts will be checked.

  4. Turn in their approval form for determination of acceptability.

  5. Compete a written summary and evaluation of their practicum experience before a grade will be determined.

  6. Complete the regular sport season with the team.


  1. It is recommended that the coaching practicum be done separately from the student teaching experience.

  2. Students are strongly encouraged to carry liability insurance during their practicum experience.  Membership forms are available in the Education Department.  You can also receive insurance through the NFSHSA (National Federation of State High School Association).

Students are responsible for securing their own practicum setting and they MUST be APPROVED by the Coaching Minor Coordinator.  It is strongly suggested the type of practicum experience be closely related to the sport and level in which you desire future employment.  The coordinator can provide guidance and assistance for securing placement.

Examples of unacceptable and rejected coaching practicums will be:

  1. Spring football practice

  2. Coaching camps

  3. Basketball (or other sports ) during semester breaks


  1. Evaluations will be made by the supervisor of the sport.  Grades will not be determined until the summary and evaluation form are returned.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all required paperwork has been properly completed and returned to the Coaching Minor Coordinator.

  2. Grading for the practicum will be pass/fail.

  3. All necessary forms are available in Nemzek - Office 106 G.  Contact the coordinator, Randall Smith (477-2311) if you have any questions.

Links to forms:

Approval Form
Supervisor's Evaluation Form
Coaching Minor Exit Questionnaire

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