Minnesota State University Moorhead

 Biosciences Department 
1104 Seventh Avenue South
Moorhead, MN  56563 USA

Donna M. Bruns Stockrahm, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology
Wildlife Ecologist

Donna Bruns Stockrahm and Gunnison's prairie dog on her study site in the San Juan Mountains near Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

Office:  407-S Hagen Hall

Office Phone:
(218) 477-2576
Home Phone:  (218) 937-5280

Cell Phone:  (701) 367-3045

Fax:  (218) 477-2018

DMBS -- hi!!!                                          Donna's Dogs!!!! 

Link to "Dukie Duke" a red lab (a color variant of the yellow lab) - he joined our family on 10 Aug 2013


Duke (left) and Fearless (right) on 22 March 2015 


Curriculum Vitae (Updated 21 November 2014)


Courses Taught

        Organismal Biology Syllabus
        General Zoology (BIOL 303)

        Principles of Animal Behavior (BIOL 402)

        Wildlife Ecology (BIOL 455)

        Senior Seminar (BIOL 484)

Minnesota Forest Plant ID (BIOL 390) - Plant Class Sp 2010

Vertebrate Zoology (BIOL 322)

Tropical Field Biology (BIOL 335) (aka - "Costa Rica" Course)

An Ecological Perspective BIOL 346/

 Spring 2004:  
        Tropical Field Biology of Costa Rica (BIOL 390) (currently renumbered as BIOL 335)

        New Page 3 Pictures of our Costa Rica Field Trip in March 2002

Research Interests
    -    Ecology and Behavior of:
             -    Bison
                        Bison Research in Theodore Roosevelt National Park #1                         
                     Bison Research in Theodore Roosevelt National Park #2
             -    Black-tailed Prairie Dogs
                        Prairie Dog Literature
          -    Gunnison's Prairie Dogs
             -    Small Mammals of Western Minnesota Grasslands
             -    Tree Squirrels in Minnesota Forests
          -    Burrowing Owls
             -    Turtles
             -    Wild Turkeys in Red River Valley (see pictures below)


Winter Wonderland - Stockrahm Farm - December 2005 (double click on picture to make it larger).

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Whiskey (Left), Colter (Rightt)      

For Pictures of Recent Research, see link below (Turtle Population Ecology and Radiotelemetry, small mammal trapping, and my puppies!!)

p1010001.jpg (424050 bytes) p1010002.jpg (438544 bytes) p1010010.jpg (471522 bytes) p1010018.jpg (465422 bytes) P1010023_itA_023.jpg (423781 bytes)Turtle egg
p1010058.jpg (447785 bytes) p1010063.jpg (449259 bytes)Telemetry P1010038walkingsticktracysept04.jpg (388756 bytes) p1010055.jpg (445560 bytes) P1010025_itA_025.jpg (411749 bytes)Turtle egg
P1010002smtrapsarah4sept04.jpg (509166 bytes) P1010006smtrapsarahkatie4sept04.jpg (411591 bytes) p1010024.jpg (480166 bytes) p1010030.jpg (447275 bytes)Small mammals P1010026_itA_026.jpg (472457 bytes) Laying eggs
P1010074donna3dogs31oct04asmall.jpg (95752 bytes)Donna's Dogs! P1010078pups1nov04best.jpg (413324 bytes)Shanny & pups P1010020shanpups30nov04.jpg (95004 bytes) P1010054fearlessb.jpg (384935 bytes)

P1010027_itA_027.jpg (445598 bytes)Laying eggs

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Fearless Fearless & Bear or Beau - they are like twins!! "The Family"  

Wildlife Turkey Research - Pictures below are on the Stockrahm Farm, Rollag, MN - Summer 2007:

P1010020_itA_020.jpg (471199 bytes) P1010021_itA_021.jpg (454523 bytes) P1010080_itA_080.jpg (457537 bytes) P1010081_itA_081.jpg (462171 bytes) P1010082_itA_082.jpg (439288 bytes)
Wild Turkey Nest on Stockrahm Summer 2007 Same Turkey Nest
Summer 2007

In late October 2007, 36 wild turkeys crossed gravel road and went onto Stockrahm Farm Same turkeys - October 2007 Same turkeys - October 2007
P1010086_itA_086.jpg (437428 bytes)      
Same turkeys -October 2007 2 February 2012 - adult male turkey at Stockrahm birdfeeder in yard  2 February 2012 - same adult male turkey at Stockrahm birdfeeder in yard   

  GOOSE STUDIES BEGAN IN SPRING 2010 (and have continued into 2014) at American Crystal Sugar Plant Grounds in Moorhead, MN:  
Deedee Rastedt and Ashley Horton numbering goose eggs in April 2010

Floating and oiling goose eggs in April 2010      
Geese on top of sugar beet pile on 18 October 2010      

Geese on dike road on 18 October 2010

Geese flying over water-holding ponds on 18 October 2010

Goose nest with numbered eggs in April 2011


The Ecology and Field Biology Emphasis has been renamed to "Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Emphasis"


            Pre-Veterinary Medicine
            Pre-Wildlife Management
            Ecology and Field Biology Emphasis - Renamed as "Emphasis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology"


Kickback Horse Ranch
                 New Log Home Construction Pictures 

Other Links:    Literature Search Sites
                                Search Engines for Literature Searches

                           Useful Sites for Wildlife Biology                          


                            Useful Sites for Veterinary Medicine



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Stockrahm's Home Page

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Minnesota State University Moorhead
An equal opportunity educator and employer.


Last updated on 22 March 2015 by Donna M. Bruns Stockrahm (stockram@mnstate.edu)