Construction process for our new log home.  To get a larger image, double click on the picture.

holea.jpg (435029 bytes)
  basemtc.jpg (453741 bytes) basemtgabe.jpg (458744 bytes)
basementa.jpg (434528 bytes) logtruck.jpg (421246 bytes) logunload.jpg (449327 bytes) jakewhino.jpg (465849 bytes)
dsdogsbase.jpg (440386 bytes) p1010017.jpg (455807 bytes)
lh3July01.jpg (578073 bytes) Log home and DBS on 2 July 2001.jpg (266795 bytes) dstruss.jpg (470277 bytes)  
house7July01.jpg (531292 bytes) fireplace5sept01.jpg (368855 bytes) stairs5sept01b.jpg (413429 bytes) early roof1.jpg (466202 bytes)
P1010047back.jpg (449590 bytes) side.jpg (369739 bytes) P1010066front13sept01pmc.jpg (376663 bytes) septic24sept01.jpg (492819 bytes)
P1010003house8oct01a.jpg (379748 bytes) P1010051insidewalls13oct01.jpg (414318 bytes) P1010058inside dormer13oct01.jpg (374591 bytes) P1010052loftwalls13oct01.jpg (392898 bytes)
  P1010056insidebeams13oct01.jpg (271851 bytes) P1010060insideupstairs13oct01.jpg (364299 bytes) P1010099house27oct01.jpg (484177 bytes)  

P1010101bothhouserooad27oct01.jpg (475944 bytes)


Old and New House as of 17 October 2001      
P1010102housesnoose27oct01.jpg (626780 bytes) P1010103housesnoose27oct01a.jpg (574854 bytes) liftdssept01.jpg (765998 bytes)  
From Road to the S From Road to the S I hate heights!  
Back of house as of 13 October 2001
Front of house as of 27 October 2001


P1010049viewfrontwindow13oct01.jpg (517030 bytes) P1010055viewoutback13oct01.jpg (772137 bytes) P1010054viewbalcony13oct01.jpg (578585 bytes)  

Views Looking out the front window, the back window, guest balcony window


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Just for contrast, here is a picture of our 1930's farmhouse we have lived in since 1990.  House, living room, stairs (and bunny), kitchen.

P3150016kitchensmall27jan02.jpg (110806 bytes) P3150015islandsmall27jan02.jpg (111717 bytes) P3150017frigsmall27jan02.jpg (105635 bytes) P3150018kitchensmall27jan02b.jpg (105541 bytes)
kitchensmall27jan02.jpg (126278 bytes) P3150019tab1.jpg (432034 bytes) P4050024trimsm1.jpg (142468 bytes)  
  P4050026chandsm2.jpg (142996 bytes)    
P4050025scalf4.jpg (140933 bytes) P4050023scalfsm3.jpg (135982 bytes) jerP5160228jerscaf1.jpg (139439 bytes)  

Above - kitchen, scaffolding the great room, antler chandelier in library.

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