Crime Statistics and Data
Institute of Criminology
- This site contains criminal justice statistics for Australia
(as well as online studies of criminal behavior).
of Justice Statistics
- The Bureau of Justice Statistics home page contains a
variety of current criminal justics statistics as well as links
to other useful sites.
and City Data Book
- This publication contains demographic, educational, crime,
wealth, labor force, and other statistics for U.S. cities and
and City Data Books (University of Virginia)
- This site, provided by the University of Virginia, makes it
possible to download data from the 1988, 1994, and 2000 County
and City Data Books.
Bureau of Investigation
- This site contains the most current release of the
Uniform Crime Reports
and other sources of crime statistics for the United States.
Archive of Criminal Justice Statistics
- This site, provided by the Inter-University Consortium for
Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and the Bureau of Justice
Statistics, contains a large variety of data on crime and
enforcement, attitudes towards crime, and related topics.
Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
- This agency serves as a clearinghouse for information
provided by U.S. and international criminal justice agencies.
While there is little raw data at this site, there are links to
most domestic and international agencies.
Nations World Crime Statistics
- This site contains crime statistics from a relatively large
number of UN member countries.
This page was collected by John Kane, SUNY OSWEGO