Health Data
and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old
- A nationally representative longitudinal data set consisting
of individuals who were over 70 in October 1993 (when the first
wave was collected).
Institute for Health Information
- This site contains a collection of statistics and data
dealing with the Canadian health care system.
for Disease Control and Prevention
- This page contains links to data and statistics compiled by
the Centers for Disease Control and National Center for Health
for Medicare and Medicaid Services data
- This site contains recent statistics and a wide variety of
public-use data files made available through the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid.
Health and Family Life Survey
- This 1995-1997 survey collects extensive information on
sexual activities, fertility, relationship formation, and the
educational and demographic characteristics of a Chicago sample
of individuals aged 18 to 59.
Health and Family Life Survey
- This 1999-2000 survey collects extensive information on
sexual activities, fertility, relationship formation, and the
educational and demographic characteristics of a Chinese sample
of individuals aged 20 to 64.
European Community Household Panel
- The European Community Household Panel is a longitudinal
survey of 60,500 households beginning in 1994 and continuing
through 2001. Data is available on income, demographic factors,
labor supply, education, and health.
Life Surveys
- The RAND Corporation conducted Family Life Surveys in
Malaysia, Indonesia, Guatemala, and Matlab, Bangladesh. Data is
available on a variety of individual, household, and community
characteristics. Data is available on income, education, health
status, and labor market activities.
Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
- The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project includes two
databases: a nationwide inpatient sample and a state inpatient
database. The nationwide sample provides information from
approximately 900 hospitals while the state database sample
provides information from community hospitals in 19 states. Data
on participating hospitals is available on an annual basis
beginning in 1988. The data collection is sponsored and
disseminated by the Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR).
and Retirement Survey
- A nationally representative longitudinal data set consisting
of 12,600 persons in over 7,600 households. The initial data was
collected in face-to-face interviews in 1992 and follow-up
surveys are conducted every two years. The respondents were
between the ages of 51 and 61 in 1992 and will be followed for
12 years.
Insurance Data
- Cross-sectional and longitudinal data on health insurance
coverage is contained at this site (as well as links to several
studies and related data sets).
Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
- The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is a nationally
representative survey that consists of household, medical
provider, insurance, and nursing home components. The household
component contains information on medical services used by
individuals and households over the course of two calendar
years. This data is linked to information provided by the
respondents' medical providers, insurers, and employers. This
survey is co-sponsored by the
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) and the
National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS).
Center for Health Statistics
- This site contains published and unpublished health care
statistics and a growing list of public use data files provided
through the Center for Disease Control's FTP site. These public
use data files include the 1993 and 1994 Ambulatory Medical Care
Survey and the 1993 and 1994 National Hospital Ambulatory
Medical Care Survey.
Health and Family Life Survey
- This 1992 survey collects extensive information on sexual
activities, fertility, relationship formation, and the
educational and demographic characteristics of a U.S. sample of
approximately 2500 individuals aged 18 to 44.
National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health (Add
- This data collection is a longitudinal survey of adolescents
who were enrolled in grades 7 through 12 in 1994. The data was
collected at individual, family, school, and community levels.
Longitudinal Surveys
- This web site contains links to the data and codebooks for:
- National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
- National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
- NLSY79 Children and Young Adults
- National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women
and Mature Women (NLSW)
- National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Men
and Older Men
Longitudinal Survey of the High School Class of 1972
- The National Longitudinal Survey of the High School class of
1972 provides a rich data set on a large sample of individuals
who were high school seniors in 1972. Many of these individuals
were followed up in five subsequent follow-up surveys, ending in
1986. Information on ordering the CD containing the data is
available through this site.
York State Department of Health - Statistics and Data
- Data is available on a variety of health care statistics at
the county level.
Women and Family Studies
- This 1989 survey contains information on a sample of 3,803
women aged 25 to 59 in Taiwan. This study focuses on the
determinants and consequences of labor market activity and the
interrelationships among labor market activity, physical and
psychological wellbeing, and family relationships.
Health Organization's Statistical Information System (WHOSIS)
- This site, provided by the World Health Organization, makes
it possible to search for statistical and epidemiological data
on the internet.
This page was collected by John Kane, SUNY OSWEGO