Other Data Sites

*Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old
This nationally representative longitudinal data set consists was begun in 1993 with a sample of 8224 respondents aged 70+. A wide variety of data is available on health, income, savings, etc.

*BizEd Net's data site
Links to U.S., U.K., and international data sources.

*Australian Social Science Data Archives (Australian National University)
This archive holds an extensive collection of Australian data.
*Chance Database
This site is designed to supplement introductory statistics courses. In particular, it was designed to supplement (and provide information about) the case study quantitative literacy Chance courses developed by a consortium of schools (Middlebury, Grinnell, Spelman, Univ. of California San Diego, Univ. of Minnesota, and Dartmouth). In addition to some interesting data sets, this site also contains some interesting instructional programs, java applets, and links to other sites providing resources for statistical education.

*County and City Data Book
This publication contains demographic, educational, crime, wealth, labor force, and other statistics for U.S. cities and counties.

*County and City Data Books (University of Virginia)
This site, provided by the University of Virginia, makes it possible to download data from the 1988 and 1994 County and City Data Books.

*Data and Program Library Service
The Data and Program Library at the Universtity of Winconsin-Madison, contains a growing number of interesting data collections that may be downloaded over the internet.

*DASL (Data and Story Library)
This site contains numerous data sets (sorted by topic and method) and "stories" describing how the data may be productively analyzed.

*Econometric textbook data collections
A growing number of econometrics texts have placed copies of their data sets on the web.

*Economic Journal Datasets Online
Download compressed ascii data files for papers published after January 1995.

*Economic Time Series Page
This site, provided by Ted Bos, contains direct links to online time-series data. Macroeconomic, labor market, financial, and international data links are available from this site.

*Health and Retirement Study
This longitudinal study began in 1992 with interviews of over 7,600 individuals (and their spouses) aged 51-61. Due to the inclusion of data on spouses, there are observations on over 12,600 individuals. Data will be collected at 2-year intervals for a 12-year period. Data is available on a variety of health, wage, asset, and income data.

*ICPSR home page
This consortium provides an extensive collection of data to member institutions. Some data is also available for nonmember institutions.

Download ICPSR data from this site.

* Integrated Public Use Microdata Series - U.S. (IPUMS-USA)
The IPUMS files have been created by the Historical Census Project at the University of Minnesota. These are public use microdata files from U.S. national censuses conducted between 1850 and 2000. Data files have been organized in a consistent way for each census. An extract program is available at this site that construct subsets containing fewer observations and/or variables.

* Integrated Public Use Microdata Series - International (IPUMS-International)
The IPUMS files have been created by the Historical Census Project at the University of Minnesota. These are public use microdata files from a growing collection of countries.

*Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive
Data from all studies published in this journal after January 1995 (and some ealrier data) is available at this site.

*Luxembourg Income Study
This site contains household survey data from more than 25 countries.

*National Archives Center Electronic Records Archives
Information about the extensive data holdings of the national archives. Unfortunately, most data is currently only available on computer tape or cartridge.

*Panel Study on Income Dynamics
The classic ongoing panel study that originally consisted of over 5,000 families when the study began in 1968. Contains records at the household and individual level (and includes splitoffs from the original families). One of the best sources of intergenerational data.

This page contains numerous links to data sets as well as information on statistical packages and instructional materials available on the internet.

*Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
View the current release of this superb collection of state-level data on a variety of economic statistics.

*U.S. Census Bureau DataFerrett
This service, provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, makes it possible to create extracts of data from any of the following data sets: After selecting the variables that you wish to extract from these data sets, a downloadable extract file is created and stored at the Census Bureau's ftp site. The use of this program requires a fair amount of free browser memory cache. Data files created by this program can be extremely large. Use this system carefully and be sure to only extract those variables that you require for your analysis.

* USA Counties
Reports on county demographic, educational, and economic statistics may be received from this site.

*World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers
Reports available on this page contain information on military expenditures for 172 countries during the years 1984 to 1998.
This page was collected by John Kane, SUNY OSWEGO