Economics and Management 416
Labor Economics
Fall 2012
How do
economists measure statistical discrimination?
Can this information be useful to a HR manager?
Does the use of this information constitute prejudicial discrimination?
Some have labeled the attitudes and actions of
minority groups as based on a vicious cycle of expectations of about future
discrimination. Explain why this can
result and suggest ways we can break this cycle.
In your essay, please comment on the costs and benefits of acting white
and include suggestions on actions our government could do to break the cycle.
Why do white men systematically earn more than
black men? How does premarket
discrimination and self-selection affect your answer?
Based on our model of human capital, explain the
likely effect of each of the following on the willingness to migrate: a) age, b)
distance, c) education, d) marital status, e) the discount rate.
Why are people that possess specific human
capital less likely to change jobs than those who possess general human capital?
Does this imply that people who possess large amounts of specific human
capital will never migrate?
You have just taken over a failing card
dealership. Past car salespersons
have been paid by salary and have the owners little effort.
You have been asked to improve worker productivity, worker morale, and
consumer satisfaction. Suggest
methods related to the labor force that could be implemented to achieve these