Welcome to the webage for our Teaching American History grant American Crossroads: Teaching History on the Great Plains. We are in the second year of a three year grant that hill help area K-12 teachers expand their knowledge and understanding of American history so they can use this knowledge for more active and dynamic teaching environments. For a brief outline of the goals of the grant see the American Crossroads page.
Feel free to explore this website to see how our teachers experienced the first year of our grant. By clicking on the links above you can see photos and videos of the teachers in action, some of the lesson plans they developed, and an ever-growing list of electronic primary sources.
Lakes Country Service Cooperative: Lakes Country Service Cooperative (LCSC), formerly known as West Central Educational Cooperative Service Unit, was established in May, 1976. LCSC's Board of Directors secures staff to provide leadership and assistance to its members. Agency staff provide planning and support on a regional basis and assist in meeting specific needs of school districts, cities, counties, and other governmental agencies.
The Minnesota Historical Society is chief caretaker of Minnesota's story—and the History Center is home to the Society's vast collections. Within its archives reside artifacts ranging from American Indian moccasins and artwork to furniture and photographs, Civil War-era flags and a wealth of geneaological information. All of it is accessible today and for future generations.
Minnesota State University Moorhead: The mission of Minnesota State University Moorhead is to foster excellence in teaching and learning. The University strives to provide an educational environment that supports intellectual development, that welcomes diversity, and that develops the skills and talents of women and men so that they have the capacity to live usefully, act responsibly, and be learners all their lives. The academic programs at the University are founded upon a common liberal studies experience and emphasize developing the unique talents of each person. The University provides baccalaureate-level programs in the liberal arts, natural and social sciences, teacher education, business and technology, the fine arts, and professional areas. It provides selected graduate programs in response to regional needs.
Moorhead Public Schools: The mission of the Moorhead School District is to develop the maximum potential of every learner to thrive in a changing world. Each day approximately 5,300 students learn and thrive in the classrooms, hallways and playgrounds of Moorhead Area Public Schools.