Dr. Lee Garth Vigilant

Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice

Minnesota State University Moorhead

1104 7th Avenue South

Moorhead, Minnesota 56563

Office: 1-218-477-2034 + Residence: 1-218-287-8487





2001                                       Ph.D., Sociology, Boston College.

1997                                       A.M., Sociology, Boston College.

1993                                       B.A., Sociology, California State University, Bakersfield.



2012-Present                        Professor of Sociology, Minnesota State University Moorhead                                               

2005-2011                            Associate Professor of Sociology, Minnesota State University Moorhead

2001-2005                            Assistant Professor of Sociology, Minnesota State University Moorhead

1998-2001                            Visiting Lecturer, Tufts University

1998-2001                            Visiting Lecturer, Boston College

1997-2001                            Visiting Lecturer, Framingham State College                



Theory: Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theories.

Qualitative Methodology: Triangulated Approaches in Qualitative Research. 

Social Problems: Social Stratification (Race/Class/Gender) and Social Reproduction.

Health & Illness:  Addiction and Approaches to Recovery; Inequalities in Health and Health Care Delivery.

Sociological Thanatology: Dying, Death, and Self-Identity; Thanatological Theories.

Social Movements: Contemporary Movements; Theories on Social Movements; Strategies of Social Protest.



2013                       Excellence in Teaching Award Minnesota State University Moorhead

2001                       Professor of the Year Tufts University 

2000                       Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award in Sociology Boston College



My current research focuses on the role of fathers in homeschooling households, and the American homeschooling subculture as a social movement.   



 2014                       Lee Garth Vigilant, Tyler C. Anderson, and Lauren Wold Trefethren. 2014. “I’m Sorry You Had a Bad Day, But Tomorrow Will Be Better:” Stratagems of Interpersonal Emotion-Management in Narratives of Fathers in Christian Homeschooling Households. Sociological Spectrum, Vol. 34, No. 4: 293-313.

2013                       Lee Garth Vigilant, Lauren Wold Trefethren, and Tyler C. Anderson. 2013. “You Can’t Rely on Somebody Else to Teach Them Something They Don’t Believe”: Impressions of Legitimation Crisis and Socialization Control In Narratives of Christian Homeschooling Fathers. Humanity and Society, Vol. 37, No. 3: 1 -23.


2012                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Illness Narratives of Recovering on Methadone Maintenance.” In Drugs and the American Dream (Wiley-Blackwell 2012), co-edited by Patricia A. Adler, Peter Adler, and Patrick K. O’Brien.


2012                       Joel Charon and Lee Garth Vigilant. Social Problems: Readings with Four Questions. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. ISBN: 13:978-1-111-18595-4.


2009                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Drug Use and Abuse.” Pp. 385-390 (Vol. 1) in Encyclopedia of Death and Human Experience, edited by Clifton D. Bryant and Dennis L. Peck. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.


2009                       Joel M. Charon and Lee Garth Vigilant. Social Problems: A Reader With Four Questions. 3rd Edition. Wadsworth Sociology Reader Series. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.


2009                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Accidental Death.” Pp.  1-9 (Vol. 1) in Encyclopedia of Death and Human Experience, edited by Clifton D. Bryant and Dennis L. Peck. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications.


2009                       Joel M. Charon and Lee Garth Vigilant. The Meaning of Sociology A Reader. 9th Edition. Prentice Hall.


2009                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Symbolic Immortality.” Pp. 924-927 (Vol. 2) in Encyclopedia of Death and Human Experience, edited by Clifton D. Bryant and Dennis L. Peck. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications.


2009                       Joel M. Charon and Lee Garth Vigilant. The Meaning of Sociology 8th Edition. Prentice Hall.


2009                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Mass Suicide.” Pp. 696-699 (Vol. 2) in Encyclopedia of Death and Human Experience, edited by Clifton D. Bryant and Dennis L. Peck. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications.  


2008                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “‘I Am Still Suffering:” The Dilemma of Multiple Recoveries in the Lives of Methadone Maintenance Patients.” Sociological Spectrum, Vol. 28: 1-24.  (Sociological Spectrum is the official journal of Mid-South Sociological Association.) 


2007                       Lee Garth Vigilant and John B. Williamson. "The Sociology of Socialization." Pp. 143-152 (Vol. 1) in 21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook, edited by Clifton D. Bryant and Dennis L. Peck. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. 


2006                       Joel M. Charon and Lee Garth Vigilant. Social Problems: Readings with Four Questions. 2nd

Edition. The Wadsworth Sociology Reader Series. Thomson Wadsworth.


2005                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “‘I Don’t Have Another Run Left With It’: Ontological Security in Illness Narratives of Recovering on Methadone Maintenance.” Deviant Behavior, Vol. 26. No. 5 (September-October): 399-416. (Deviant Behavior is the official journal of the Deviant Behavior section of the American Sociological Association.)


2004                       Lee Garth Vigilant. "The Stigma Paradox in Methadone Maintenance: Naïve and Positive Consequences of a “Treatment Punishment” Approach to Opiate Addiction.” Humanity and Society, Vol. 28, No. 4 (November). (Humanity and Society is the official journal of the Association of Humanist Sociology section of the American Sociological Association.)


2004                       Joel Powell Dahlquist and Lee Garth Vigilant. "Way Better Than Real: Manga Sex to Tentacle Hentai" (pg. 91-103)." In Dennis Waskul's (Editor) Net.SeXXX: Readings on Sex, Pornography, and the Internet. Peter Lang Publishers. 


2003                       Lee Garth Vigilant. "The Tie That Binds": A Sociocognitive Exploration of the Meaning of Diversity in a Sanctimonious Context (A pilot inquiry). Gyro Colloquium Papers, Vol. 7: 210-235.


2003                       Lee Garth Vigilant and John B. Williamson. "On the Role and Meaning of Death in Terrorism." Handbook of Death and Dying: Essays in the Social Study of Death. Clifton D. Bryant (Editor). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


2003                       Lee Garth Vigilant and John B. Williamson. "Symbolic Immortality and Social Theory: The Relevance of an Underutilized Concept." Handbook of Death and Dying: Essays in the Social Study of Death. Clifton D. Bryant (Editor). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 


2003                       Lee Garth Vigilant and John B. Williamson. "To Die, By Mistake." Handbook of Death and Dying: Essays in the Social Study of Death. Clifton D. Bryant (Editor). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


1999                       Lee Garth Vigilant.“Poly-Ethnic Bacchanal: Ethnogenesis in a West Indian Context (The Case of Trinidad).” Gyro Colloquium Papers, Vol. 5: 93-119. 



2014/15                 The Meaning of Sociology (9th Edition) w/Dr. Joel Charon.



2012                       Lee Garth Vigilant and Tyler C. Anderson. “Try To See It My Way:” Interpretive Dilemmas in Insider/Outsider Team Research. A presentation at the 18th Annual Midwest Qualitative Research Methods Conference at St. Thomas University, Minneapolis, Minnesota in June 2012. Session 3E: Researching in Your Own Backyard: Vested Interests in Critical Experiences (Re-Imaging Qualitative Research for the 21st Century: Cultural Context in a Global World)


2012                       Tyler C. Anderson (Presenter) and Lee Garth Vigilant (Principal Investigator/Co-author). “I’m Sorry You Had A Bad Day, But Tomorrow Will Be Better”: Stratagems of Emotion-Management and Gender Control in Narratives of Fathers in Christian Homeschooling Households.”  A paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society in Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 29th – April 1st. (This conference presentation, which was on 31st March, was made by Tyler C. Anderson, my research assistant and co-author).


2011                       Lee Garth Vigilant and Lauren Wold. “’You Can’t Rely On Somebody Else to Teach Them Something They Don’t Believe:’ Total Socialization, Concerted Moral Cultivation, and the Father’s ‘Protective Cocoon’ in Christian Homeschooling Households.” A paper presented at the 17th Annual Midwest Qualitative Research Methods Conference at St. Thomas University, Minneapolis, Minnesota in June 2011 (In the Space of Action: Accounting for Context in Qualitative Research).


2011                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “In/Outside the Box: On the Puzzle of Risk-Taking.” (Keynote address at the Multicultural Affairs Office Annual Banquet on 26th April 2011.)


2009                       Lee Garth Vigilant and Paul Harris. “Learner-Centered Teaching in the Era of No Child Left Behind.” Professional Development Day Conference at MSUM.


2008                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Democratizing the Classroom: Experiences from a Contract-Based Research Methods’ Course.” Professional Development Day Conference at MSUM (October 14th).


2008                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Five Questions on Licit Pornography for Your Consideration.” Violence and Abuse Summer Institute: Sex, the Internet, and You (May). Panel presentation on Issues in Internet Pornography.


2006                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Why Opiate Sobriety Fails: Multiple and Simultaneous Recoveries as Cause and Solution to the Addiction Recovery Conundrum.” Presentation at the 12th Annual Midwest Qualitative Research Methods Conference (“Qualitative Case Research: Traditions and Trends in Critical Analysis,” April 20-21, 2006, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN).


2005                       Joel Powell-Dahlquist, Mark Hansel, and Lee Garth Vigilant. "Treating a  Culture of Violence." A presentation at the 11th Annual Summer Institute on Violence and Abuse Studies (May 16-18), Minnesota State University Moorhead. To read abstract:


2004                       Lee Garth Vigilant. It's Liquid Handcuffs: Multiple Stigma and Methadone Maintenance Treatment. A paper presented at the 10th Annual Midwest Qualitative Research Methods Conference ("Cultural Incursions & Moral Inversion"), session entitled "Shame On You: Ways of Treating Addicts and Inmates".  St. Thomas University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 17-18, 2004.


2004                       Mark Hansel, Joel Powell-Dahlquist, and Lee Garth Vigilant. “Surveillance and the "New" Micro-Management of Society.” Violence and Abuse Summer Institute (M.S.U.M), 10th Annual Program, May 19-20, 2004.


2004                       Lee Garth Vigilant.Ontological Security as a Focal Expression of Narratives of Recovery on Methadone Maintenance.” A paper presented at the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI) Annual Program, August 14th - 15th, 2004 in San Francisco California.


2002                       Lee Garth Vigilant. “Transcending Death through Modes of Symbolic Immortality: The Relevance of an Underutilized Concept for Sociological Theory.” A paper presentation at the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, in Chicago, Illinois (August 16 – 19, 2002), Regular Session of Sociology of Death and Dying.





Minnesota State University Moorhead

Introductory Sociology (SC110)

Social Problems (SC210)

Classical Sociological Theory (SC302)

Social Movements (SC325)

Qualitative Research Methods Writing Intensive (SC352-W)

Contemporary Sociological Theory Writing Intensive (SC407-W)

Topics in Sociology + Social Thanatology: Dying, Death, & Transcending (SC497)

Topics in Sociology + Sociology of the Body (SC497)

Boston College

Introductory Sociology

Social Movements

Sociology of Health and Illness

Tufts University

Sociology of Social Movements

Sociology of Health and Illness


Framingham State College

Introductory Sociology

Social Problems

Social Theory

Black Atlantic Social Thought and Action

Sociology of Sports



2010       Lee Garth Vigilant. 2010. Difficult at the beginning, but later it will be easier and better:” An Analysis of Services that Work –and Services that are Needed- in the First-Year Experience of Refugee Newcomers to the United States. (This is a 37-page report to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) that was submitted on 6th April 2010. I conducted the data analysis and produced a professional report on my findings for Lutheran Social Services Immigration Resettlement Program. The study and report is a needs-assessment of the services and social supports that LSS provides during the first year of resettlement, and it was based on interviews with 50 recently resettled refugee families.)



(Selected) On-going Service

Working Group, Center for Diversity and Social Justice, MSUM (2012-)

Director, Pathfinders Club, Moorhead Seventh-day Adventist Church (2013 -)

Community Restorative Justice Council (CRJC) of Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota (2005 - )

Institutional Review Board (IRB) (2007 - )

Church Board Moorhead Seventh-day Adventist Church (2003 - )

Religious Liberties Representative, Moorhead Seventh-day Adventist Church (2009 -)

Chapter Representative, NU of Minnesota, Alpha Kappa Delta, the International Honor Society for Sociology (2004 - )



(Selected) Past Service

Search Committee, Interim Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, MSUM (Filled 2013)

Director, Adventurers Club, Moorhead Seventh-day Adventist Church (2004 - 2013)

Scholarship Awarding Committee, MSUM (2005 - 2012)

Founders Scholarship Award Committee, MSUM (2009 - 2012)

Multicultural Affairs Office’s Summer Bridge Program (2010 and 2011)

Board Member, Minnkota Health Project

Search Committee for Assistant Athletic Director for Media and Public Relations. (2011 - 2012)  

Search Committee for two (2) positions in the Biology Department (Filled)

Academic Appeals Committee

Comstock Committee

Outreach Committee

Social Studies Programmatic Committee

Student Academic Conference Program Committee

Search Committee Sociology Department to fill Dr. David Olday’s position (Filled)

VASI: Violence and Abuse Summer Institute Committee

University Accreditation Committee for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC),

Subcommittee on Criterion Three: Student Learning and Effective Teaching

Sociology Department's Institutional Review Board (I.R.B) Committee

Liberal Studies Task Force subcommittee on “History and Social and Behavioral Sciences”

Competencies for Student Learning Objectives.

Liberal Studies Task Force subcommittee on “Critical Thinking” and “Social and Natural

Sciences” Competencies for Student Learning Objectives.

Search committee for two (2) tenure-track education positions in special education and early childhood (both filled).

Search Committee Dean of School of Social and Natural Sciences (Filled 2009)

Search Committee Director of Housing and Residential Life (Filled 2009)

Nursing Faculty Search Committee for two (2) tenure-track positions (both Filled, 2007/08)



Loren Houle. 2013. "Identifying Contemporary American Indian Parenting Practices of the Ojibwe Nation." [Masters of Science in School Psychology, M.S.U.M]


Kristina Nicole Snyder. 2012. “American Indian Students’ Post High School Aspirations”. [Masters of Science in School Psychology, M.S.U.M]


Andrea Stenson. 2011. “Teachers’ Perceptions of American Indian Students’ Post High School Aspirations”.  [Masters of Science School Psychology program, M.S.U.M]   


Raina Hureth. 2011. “Perceptions of American Indian Parents on their Children’s Post-High School Aspirations.” [Masters of Science School Psychology program, M.S.U.M].


Janice Baawa. 2011. “Causes and Consequences for the Mass Incarceration of Black Men in the Inner City of the United States” (University of Portsmouth in England 1st April 2011). [Undergraduate Dissertation]


Misti Mowry Kill. 2008. We Believe Deeply in this Cause:” How Nurses and Staff Members Justify Their Involvement in a Women’s (Reproductive Health) Clinic. [Masters in Sociology, North Dakota State University]



REFERENCES (Contact Information Available Upon Request)


Dr. Loius Esparza                                                                                                

(California State University Los Angeles)


Dr. Joel Charon

(Emeriti, Minnesota State University Moorhead)


Dr. Mark Hansel

(Emeriti, Minnesota State University Moorhead)


Dr. John Williamson

(Boston College)


Dr. Deborah White

(Chair, Minnesota State University Moorhead)


Dr. William Harris

(Emeriti, Boston College)