Resume of Stacy L. Voeller
Library 119
Minnesota State University Moorhead
1104 7th Avenue South
Moorhead, MN 56563


PhD in Educational Leadership from the University of North Dakota, began January 2008.  Completed coursework December 2010.
MS in Public, Human Service, & Health Administration from Minnesota State University Moorhead, MN, on October 6, 2006.
MS in Library Science from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, on August 3, 1995.
BA in English from Moorhead State University, Moorhead, MN, on November 19, 1993.


Associate Professor, Library Instruction & Information Literacy Coordinator (July 2015 - current)
Co-Chair University Assessment Committee
Adjunct Professor in First-Year Experience & Counseling and Student Affairs Graduate Programs

Develop and update course content for library instruction sessions. Develop and pilot appropriate student assessments of teaching effectiveness. Incorporate pedagogical approaches. Provide course and research assistance to both students and faculty. Coordinate and promote library instruction. Teach one or two sections of FYE each year. Teach CNSA 490/590 Teaching First-Year Students course for CNSA program summer of 2015 with Julia Roland, and teaching again alone summer of 2016. As co-chair of the University Assessment Committee, set committee agendas, work with programs (both academic and co-curricular) to assist with assessment plans and reports, provide feedback to programs regarding assessment, volunteer to hold sessions campus-wide regarding assessment, manage ROLE group sessions on assessment and rubrics.

Associate Professor, University College (2011-2014)

Develop and teach appropriate academic success courses for Individually Reviewed students.  Meet regularly with IR students individually to determine plans for success and monitor progress in their other courses.  Advise all undeclared students in the sections I teach.  Meet individually with students on academic probation.  Continue working with assessment of general education under the direction of my Dean.

Director of University Writing and Associate Professor (.50 FTE)

Director of University Writing at Minnesota State University Moorhead, July 1, 2009 - December 31, 2011.  Consulted individually with faculty on developing writing enriched and writing intensive courses, providing support materials when possible.  Consulted with students and faculty regarding approval of the Departmental Request for Course Exception for Writing Intensive course transfers.  Chaired the University Writing Committee.  Coordinated the University Writing Web Site.  Served on other writing instruction related committees.  Shared pertinent Writing Intensive information with the campus community when applicable.   Managed assessment of writing intensive competencies in consultation with the Dragon Core Assessment Committee Chair and created a formal assessment plan. 

Electronic Resources Librarian and Associate Professor (.50 FTE)

Livingston Lord Library, Minnesota State University Moorhead, September 1996 through June 2011. Received tenure August 2001 and promotion to Assistant Professor.  The Electronic Resources Librarian provides consultation and advice to the Director, Librarians, and staff about hardware, software, and electronic resources to a standard consistent with recognized professional criteria.  Other responsibilities and duties include coordinates local and remote electronic database and resource services, coordinates and maintains several portions of the Library's Web Site such as the electronic databases web pages, DragonSearch, EZProxy, etc., provides remote access and proxy server assistance, supervises student assistant(s) assigned to electronic resources, assumes responsibility at the Reference Desk as assigned and agreed upon, provides library instruction and staff training, assumes some collection development responsibilities for specific areas.    

Assessment of Dragon Core and Associate Professor (.50 FTE)

January 2008 - July 2009, provide leadership for the continued development of a student learning assessment plan for the Dragon Core, the University's General Education program.  Oversee data collection, analysis, assessment and outcomes measurement of student learning in the Dragon Core.  Monitor the assessment program.  Work with faculty members and deans to implement program efficiencies and enhancements.  Communicate the process both internally and externally.

Public Services Librarian

Lamar University-Orange Library, September 1995 to August 1996. Oversaw, developed and executed procedures and policies for circulation, reserve, interlibrary loan, and reference service in a totally automated two-year community college library. Facilitated electronic resources such as OCLCs FIRSTSEARCH, UMI Proquest, Dialog, and Internet Services. Hired and trained public service staff. Provided all library instruction classes. Expanded bibliographic instruction and collection development programs. Worked with faculty and students to enhance library programs.

Graduate Assistant

Research and Information Services, University of Kentucky, May 1994 to August 1995. Reference, Government Publications, and Maps Department assistance at the main library of an ARL Regional Depository institution serving 24,000 students and 2,200 faculty members. Primary duties included staffing the service desk, handling telephone information requests, bibliographic searching and verification, and interpretation of patron requests. These activities demanded teaching the use of various tools to patrons. Used electronic databases such as NOTIS, OCLC, FirstSearch, Internet, Netscape, Mosaic, and SilverPlatter CD-ROMs for answering patron questions and providing patron instruction. Edited MARC records in NOTIS. Conducted training sessions on CD-ROM databases for department professionals and fellow graduate assistants.

Library Assistant

Circulation, Moorhead Public Library, Lake Agassiz Regional Library System, June 1989 to May 1992. Provided patron assistance regarding selecting, locating, and checking out materials. Successfully assisted with automation of library to the Data Research System by entering materials into the automated catalog. Successfully met challenges a newly automated system provides. Oversaw A-V collection of video cassettes, audio cassettes, talking books, compact discs, and sound filmstrips. Oversaw toy collection. Experience with IBM compatible and Apple computers. Assisted with the collection development of A-V materials.


Technical Services, Lake Agassiz Regional Library System, June 1993 to August 1993. Performed cataloging, catalog maintenance, filing, materials receiving, and data entry duties in the Data Research System.


CNSA 490/590 Teaching First Year Students
PDEV 290/UNIV 121
Foundations of University Success
FYE 101, First Year Experience, ongoing basis.
Ed 489/589, Research in the Electronic Age, Continuing Education course taught Fall 1999.
Ed 422/522, Electronic Resources:  Issues & Practice.  Will be teaching Spring 2010.


Member of the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education since 2014.
Member of the American Evaluation Association since September 2011.
Member of the American Library Association (ALA) from July 1994 - July 2011 & 2014 - current.
Member of the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) since July 1998.
Member of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) since 1998.
Currently serving on LITA's Research and Assessment Committee.
Currently serving on ACRL's College Libraries Section Leadership Committee (Chaired Committee from 2007-2009).
Current member of the reporting staff of Cognotes, ALA's conference newspaper, since January 2007 (see below for published articles).  Served as Editor for MidWinter & Annual of 2009.


Received a 19A Peer Review Grant for PhD program in Educational Leadership at the University of North Dakota beginning June 2008.

Received a 19A Peer Review Grant to attend ALA's Annual Conference in June/July 2008.

Received a 19A Peer Review Grant to attend ACRL's Institute for Information Literacy Immersion in August 2007.

Received a 19A Peer Review Grant to attend ALA's Annual Conference in June of 2007.

Received an IPESL Grant to write a case study of MSUM's Information Literacy Assessment initiatives and develop a plan for assessing Information Literacy in the Dragon Core Curriculum for the Dragon Core Assessment Committee.

Along with Rhonda Ficek, Minnesota State University Moorheads Director of Instructional Technology, and Carol Sibley, Minnesota State University Moorheads Curriculum Materials Center Librarian, wrote and received a Strategic Planning Grant to create the Library Instruction/Instructional Technology Center, which was implemented during the 1997/1998 academic year. This center serves as a training/instruction center for faculty, staff and students in the use of technology in instruction and in the use of traditional and electronic information resources.

Along with Brittney Goodman and Rhonda Ficek, completed work on a web-based self-paced tutorial, Searching Library Databases (WinSPIRS), funded in part by a MnSCU Information Technology Task Force grant.  It is currently housed on the Classweb server at the following location: 

Together with Brittney Goodman, received a Lead Faculty Mini-Grant for course development of a library/Internet research course, Research in the Electronic Age.  Submitted a course proposal form to Continuing Studies in early February.  The course would be 2 credits, offered in Fall 1999, ED489/589 (undergraduate and graduate credit).

Worked as a Consultant to Brittney Goodman on a grant to create two Internet Search Techniques CD-ROM and web-based tutorials, funded in the amount of $2,050.  This Learning by Doing Faculty Innovation project was completed during Summer, 1999.

Along with Ficek, and Brittney Goodman, Minnesota State University Moorheads Instruction/Reference Librarian, wrote and received a MnSCU Information Technology Subcommittees Distance Learning Initiative grant for the proposal Information Technology Skills Module for Searching Library Databases and Searching the Internet during the summer of 1998, and currently housed on the MSU Classweb server. 

Also during summer of 1998, with Goodman, created two Internet Search Techniques CD-ROM and web-based tutorials, funded in the amount of $2,050. 

Awarded a Graduate Assistantship from the University of Kentucky for the length of my coursework which included a monetary stipend and a scholarship for the amount of the out-of-state portion of tuition.

Committee Assignments

Served on ACRL's College Libraries Section Leadership Committee.

Served on LITA's Assessment and Research Committee.

Served on ACRL's Assessment Committee.

Currently serving on numerous university-related committees such as the Co-Chair University Assessment Committee, FYE Programmatic Committee, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee, Dragon Core Assessment Committee & Chair of the University Writing Committee.


Communications in Information Literacy (CIL) journal reviewer.

Voeller, Stacy. "Privacy Policy Assessment for the Livingston Lord Library at Minnesota State University Moorhead." Library Philosophy and Practice

Voeller, Stacy L.  "The Best of the Recent Literature Focusing on the User ."  Public Services Quarterly, 4(1), June 2008, 59-65.


I served as both Editor and Reporter for both 2009 conferences.

Voeller, Stacy L. Wait WaitDont Tell Me. Cognotes [Chicago, IL] 11 July 2009: 1. Cognotes. American Library Association.

Voeller, Stacy L. Moving Memorial for Judith F. Krug, Library Champion. Cognotes [Chicago, IL] 12 July 2009: 2. Cognotes. American Library Association. <>

 Voeller, Stacy L. Partnerships that Work:  Collaboration Between Academic and Public Libraries. Cognotes [Chicago, IL] 13 July 2009: 3. Cognotes. American Library Association.  <>

 Voeller, Stacy L. Declassifying the Secrecy Hangover through Freedom of Information. Cognotes [Chicago, IL] 14 July 2009: 4. Cognotes. American Library Association.  <> & <>

 Voeller, Stacy L. Beals Relates Powerful Story of Faith, Forgiveness. Cognotes [Chicago, IL] 14 July 2009: 4. Cognotes. American Library Association.  <>

Voeller, Stacy L. "The Brain is a Beautiful Thing." Cognotes [Chicago, IL] Highlights Issues. Cognotes. American Library Association. <>

 Voeller, Stacy L. Reprint of Declassifying the Secrecy Hangover through Freedom of Information. Cognotes [Chicago, IL] Highlights Issue. Cognotes. American Library Association.  <>

 Voeller, Stacy L. Reprint of Beals Relates Powerful Story of Faith, Forgiveness. Cognotes [Chicago, IL] Highlights Issue. Cognotes. American Library Association.  <>

Voeller, Stacy L. ALSC Notable Children's Book Review. Cognotes [Denver, CO] 24 Jan. 2009: 3. Cognotes. American Library Association. <>

Voeller, Stacy L. Authors of Mystery Discuss Their Craft. Cognotes [Denver, CO] 25 Jan. 2009: 5. Cognotes. American Library Association. <>

Voeller, Stacy L. Grants Announced to Support Financial Education. Cognotes [Denver, CO] 25 Jan. 2009: 8. Cognotes. American Library Association.  <>

Voeller, Stacy L. Peace Prize Winner Speaks at Presidents Program. Cognotes [Denver, CO] 26 Jan. 2009: 3. Cognotes. American Library Association. 26 Jan. 2009 <>

Voeller, Stacy L. Reprint of The Mix of Pedagogy and Social Technologies. Cognotes [Denver, CO] 26 Jan. 2009: 12. Cognotes. American Library Association. 26 Jan. 2009 <>

Voeller, Stacy L. Ride, OShaughnessy:  Connecting Kids, Science Vital for our Future. Cognotes [Anaheim, CA] 30 June 2008: 6,26. Cognotes. American Library Association. 21 July 2008

Voeller, Stacy L. Mortenson Answers the Call for Literacy, Peace Through Education. Cognotes [Anaheim, CA] 30 June 2008: 8. Cognotes. American Library Association. 21 July 2008

Voeller, Stacy L. Native Languages will Disappear as Speakers Age. Cognotes [Anaheim, CA] 1 July 2008: 4. Cognotes. American Library Association. 21 July 2008

Voeller, Stacy L. Brazelton Encourages Librarians to be Part of the Family. Cognotes [Anaheim, CA] 1 July 2008: 6. Cognotes. American Library Association. 21 July 2008

 Voeller, Stacy L. Reprint of Native Languages will Disappear as Speakers Age:  Presidents program. Cognotes [Anaheim, CA] Highlights Issue: 6. Cognotes. American Library Association. 21 July 2008

Voeller, Stacy L. Reprint of Ride, OShaughnessy Urge Attention to Science Education. Cognotes [Anaheim, CA] Highlights Issue: 12,15. Cognotes. American Library Association. 21 July 2008

Voeller, Stacy L. Get Your Patrons to Participate in Assessment Activities. Cognotes 22 Jan. 2007:  8.

Voeller, Stacy L. Is the Reference Collection Shrinking?  Cognotes Highlights Issue:  2.

Voeller, Stacy L. Library Visionary Frederick Kilgour Honored,  Cognotes 22 Jan. 2007:  3.

Voeller, Stacy L.  Reprint of Get Your Patrons to Participate in Assessment Activities.  Cognotes Highlights Issue:  10.

Voeller, Stacy L. Best Practices in Visual Literacy. Cognotes Issue 4 June 26, 2007:  8.

Voeller, Stacy L. Communication Makes the World Go Round. Cognotes Issue 3 June 25, 2007:  3, 18. &

Voeller, Stacy L. Creating a Historical Collection with Impact. Cognotes Issue 1 June 23, 2007:  8.

Voeller, Stacy L. Making the Library a Safe Haven. Cognotes Issue 4 June 26, 2007:  1, 15. &  (This article also reprinted in the Highlights Issue which is mailed out to more than 60,000 ALA members)

Voeller, Stacy L. What Librarians Can Learn From Gamers. Cognotes Issue 3 June 25, 2007:  13.

Technology Electronic Reviews (TER) Editorial Board Member of the following issues:

Women's Studies Section Newsletter Assistant Editor for the following issues:

Conference report published in Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 19, No. 8, 2002, entitled "Can Electronic Preservation Work?" summarizing the LITA Presidents Program at ALA Annual in Atlanta.

A Fine Excess (Book Review).   By: Voeller, Stacy. Library Journal, 12/01/2000, Vol. 125 Issue 20, p131.

Article published entitled, Grant-seeking in Women's Studies: a Webography, for the Women's Studies Section Newsletter (Fall 2000 Volume 15, Number 2) which is published by the Womens Studies Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association.


Assisted with organizing and presenting at the MSUM Faculty Professional Development Day: October 14th, 2014 on Assessing How We All Fulfill Our Promise to Student Learning.

Presented back-to-back workshops on Fulfilling Our Promise: Shifting Assessment Culture from Compliance to Commitment at the Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference 2014. Sessions discussed Organizational leadership and cultural considerations are important elements in developing assessment initiatives on campus. Insights will be shared from faculty and staff working through the Open Pathway accreditation process during a turbulent period of curricular and co-curricular realignment, significant administrator turnover, and the implementation of a new strategic plan. Jeremy Page, Associate Director of Housing and Residential Life, Tim Borchers, Dean of the College of Arts, Media, and Communication, and Stacy Voeller, Associate Professor, Minnesota State University Moorhead

Provided a Brown Bag Session with Travis Dolence on Information Literacy October 10, 2007.

Presented a MSUM Academic Affairs Deans' Lecture Series entitled:  "Whats the big deal? Confidentiality & its implications for libraries & the University community" on Thursday, February 9, at 3:30 pm.  The lecture included the following:  "Confidentiality and libraries are not a new combination, but the events of 9/11 and the passage of the USA Patriot Act have given libraries cause for concern. Libraries need to ensure that confidentiality and other relevant policies are up-to-date, and the University community needs to be informed. Other implications for higher education, including intellectual freedom, will be discussed."

Several items of note happened because of this lecture, and included:

Provided a Brown Bag Seminar on Web Usability Testing in collaboration with Brittney Goodman during Spring 2003.

Presented a session on "Web Usability Studies" in conjunction with Stephen Westman (Ohio State University Library) and Mary Axford (Georgia Tech Library) for the Internet Resources Interest Group of the Library and Information Technology Association during ALA's MidWinter 2001 Conference on January 14, 2001.

Organized and moderated a breakout session for the MnSCU Library Planning Day conference regarding New Ways to Connect to Users during the April 2000 conference.

Along with Brittney Goodman, a proposal was accepted for Moorhead State University's Poster Presentation and Resource Fair on Innovations for Teaching with Technology.  The poster session was presented April1 1999.