Introduction to Verbs and Verb Phrases
Verb Tenses
Imperatives, Modals and Conditionals
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Imperative Sentences

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Uses of imperative sentences

Use this kind of sentence to give directions to people when you tell them how to make something or to give orders to people.  It is used a lot in emergency situations, and it is used a lot by parents telling their children what to do.  It is also used simply to tell people what you think they should do.


Not mentioned
(the most common kind of imperative sentence)

Go home
Sit in the front
Listen to my advice
Think pleasant thoughts

Don't go home
Don't sit in the front
Don't listen to his advice
Don't think bad thoughts


John, you go home now.

You sit in the front, and you sit in the back.

John, don't you go home now.

Don't you sit in the front.  Sit in the back.

Example Sentences

  1. Call the fire department!
  2. Turn left at the corner.
  3. Don’t hit your sister.
  4. Drive around the block one more time.
  5. Don’t you stick your tongue out at me.
  6. Don’t park here.
  7. Write your name at the top of your paper.  Don't talk to anyone.