Brian Wisenden's Home Page
Brian D. Wisenden

Office: Hagen Building 407 O

Biosciences Department, Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1104 7th Ave S, Moorhead, MN, 56563
Personal office land line: 218-477-5001
Department Office: 218-477-2572 (Vanessa)


Fall 2024

Organismal Biology
Advanced Gross Anatomy

Spring 2025

Principles of Animal Behavior Vertebrate Zoology

Summer  2025

Field course in Animal Behavior at the U of M Itasca Biological Field Station EEB 3811W


Editor in Chief, Behaviour


I study the ways fish use behavior to solve ecological problems (behavioral ecology). The main focus of my research is antipredator competence over ecological and evolutionary time scales. Students in my lab explore how chemical cues mediate antipredator behavior in aquatic habitats. I do lab research during the academic year at MSUM using MSUM's fabulous aquatic research facility and field work in the summer with University of Minnesota students at the Itasca Biological Field Station and Laboratories in Itasca State Park. This work (MSUM and UMN) is done almost entirely with undergraduate collaborators. I am currently collaborating with Craig Stockwell (NDSU) on antipredator competence in isolated populations of desert fishes in Death Valley.

- see the results and download pdfs of previous research link
- google scholar profile link