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About Me:
Education: | Ph.D. (August, 2007) Michigan State University
B.S. (May, 2002)
Adrian College
Research: | My research interests are enumerative and algebraic combinatorics, in particular pattern avoidance, set partitions, permutations
and statistical distributions.
Ph.D. Advisor: Bruce Sagan.
You can find a list of my publications
and preprints here.
Family: | My wife, Aletha, and I have a ten year-old son and a six year-old son
Xander. Xavier is a very energetic person. He loves reading, creating circuits, and playing video games. Xander is also very energetic. He loves playing with his friends,
being outside and dancing.
Hobbies: | I enjoy running, playing tennis and disc golf. Aletha and I enjoy seeing movies together. I enjoy going for walks with Xavier
and Xander and going to the park. I love to cook, especially pastry and candy making.
Erdös Number: | My Erdös number is 3. I've coauthored a paper with Bruce Sagan, who coauthored a paper with Frank Harary, who coauthored
a paper with Paul Erdös.