Math 306

Mathematics for Special Education

Fall 2011



Unit 1 - School Mathematics in a Changing World, Fractions, Ratios, Proportions, Geometry and Measurement (Chapters 1, 12-13, 15-16) Exam 1 on Sept. 27th

Unit 2 - Planning, Assessment, Number Sense, Algebraic Thinking (Chapters 3-4, 7, 14) Exam 2 on Oct. 25th

Unit 3- Place Value, Operations, Computational Tools & Algorithms (Chapter 8-11 & 2) Exam 3 on Nov. 22nd

Unit 4- Mathematics Learning and Problem Solving (Chapters 5, 6, 17) Dec. 14 at 3:00

Progress Report (Grades and Attendence Report Last Name, First Name and last three digits of your dragon ID #)

Online Math Resources for Special Education

Math Standards and Tests
Minnesota Math Standards

Frameworks for MN Math & Science Standards

MN MCA and Alternate Test Specifications

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards

Common Core State Standards in Mathematics have been adopted by over 40 states, but MN current mathematics standards are effective to 2015 unless the state legislature mandates changes

Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) Alternate state test for students with disabilities. Select three benchmarks and write mathematical situtation problems/cards that can be used for a student that you will need to described their mathematical limitations.

Create Math Worksheets and Games

Math Lessons and Activities

On-line catalogs containing math manipulatives and books listed in the table below:

Nasco MathSummit LearningEAI Education
Math Solutions booksSunburst softwareTom Snyder software
ETA Cuisenaire  

Math Software available at MSUM

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