English Structures
Morphemes |
A word is the smallest free form in a language, but you just saw that you can identify virago as a noun because of the s that can be added at the end. It appears, then, that words are not the smallest units of meaning. The smallest units of meaning are called morphemes. Morphemes can be complete words, or they can be smaller parts of words that have meaning.
Morpheme = Smallest unit of meaning; minimal and unanalyzable
- Like a word, a morpheme carries meaning or function information.
- Unanalyzable means something cant be broken down any further, in this case, a morpheme can't be broken down into smaller parts that still have meaning.
Analysis of Words for Morphemes
We can analyze words to see if we can separate or divide them into smaller parts. When we divide words into syllables, we are dividing the words into smaller pronunciation units, but syllables don't necessarily carry meaning. For example, the word basket has two syllables (bas-ket), but neither syllable means anything by itself. That is, bas has no meaning in English, and neither does ket. Syllables aren't the same thing as morphemes.
On the other hand, we can divide the word cats into two parts, too, but the two parts aren't separate pronunciation parts (syllables). Instead, there are two meaning parts in cats (cat + -s). The first part is a word that refers to an animal. The second part is an addition that refers to plurality.
Thus, we can say that basket has two syllables but only one morpheme, and we can say that cats has one syllable but two morphemes. |
are a stretch of sound and meaning together. |
A Simple Word has only one morpheme, or only one division that has meaning. Syllables are divisions that are based on pronunciation, not on meaning. Morphemes are divisions that are based on meaning. Examples:
A Complex Word has two or more morphemes:
- Cats = Cat + -s (two morphemes: cat = animal, -s = plural)
- Tomcats = Tom + cat + -s (Three morphemes: tom = male, cat=animal, -s = plural)
Morpheme v. Morph |
Consider the Following:
The bears are hungry.
bears = two morphemes bear+ -s
bear = orsine animal
-s = plural noun
A horse bears riders on its back.
bears = two morphemes bear + -s
bear = carry
-s = third person singular simple present tense
We have already learned how to analyze words for morphemes, so it was probably easy to see that bears in the first example is similar to cats. It refers to the plural of a word for an animal. It was also probably easy to see the two morphemes in the word bears in the second example, and you probably also noticed that it has a different meaning in this sentence from the first sentence. The difference in meaning is a big deal in word formation (morphology).
Although the words look the same, or seem to be formed in the same way, there is a big difference between them, and linguists have ways to talk about the similarity of form and the difference in meaning. They use the word morph to talk about the similarity, and the word morpheme to talk about the difference. The word morph simply means form, so when two words look the same, we say they have the same morph. The word morpheme refers to the meaning as well as the form of a word, so when we say the two words have different morphemes in them, we mean that they either have different meanings or that they have different forms.
bear in #1 and bear in #2 are different morphemes, but same morph (form)
s in #1 and s in #2 are different morphemes, but same morph (form)
Consider these examples:
Bears - meaning plural animals
Birds - meaning plural animals
Dogs - meaning plural animals |
All the above words use the same morpheme, -s; adding the meaning of plurality.
And now consider these examples
Bears - meaning plural animals
Cats - meaning plural animals
Pusses - meaning plural animals
Is the morpheme showing plurality the same in all three or different?
In the third sentence, the ending is different from the other two sentences. The form of the ending (morph) to make puss plural is -es not -s. The meaning of the ending is to make plural, just like in the first two sentences, but the form has been altered somewhat. Nevertheless, it isn't different enough to consider it a completely different morpheme. The meaning is the same, and the form is almost the same, so linguists have a special term for this situation. -es is an allomorph (other or alternative form) of the plural -s morpheme.
Morphemes with the same sound but different meanings are the same morphs.
Morphemes with different sounds but the same meaning are
called allomorphs.
- Morphs with the same sound are the same morpheme if they have the
same meaning
(like plural -s on dogs and birds).
- Morphs with different meanings are not the same morpheme, even if
they sound the same
(like -s on bears and on hears).
- Morphs with the same meanings but different sounds are allomophs
(like -s on cats and -es on pusses).
And, if you get really into this, it can be addicting... |
because |
we all know |
that linguists are addicted
to morphemes. |
Part 4 |
American Sign Language The sign language used by the deaf community in the United States.
Test of English for International Communication. A standardized exam for Educational Testing Services that is intended to determine the general capability of an NNSE to use English to conduct business. It is used by some businesses, predominantly in Asia, in hiring.
Test of English as a Foreign Language. A standardized exam from Educational Testing Services that is intended to determine the general capability of an NNSE to use English as the language of insruction .It is used as an admissions requirement by most US universities and colleges for international students.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. A term that encompasses both TEFL and TESL. It is the name of the professional organization to which many teachers belong. TESOL the organization has many regional affiliates both in the US and abroad.
Teaching English as Second Language. Refers to the activity of teaching the English language as a tool necessary for some daily task like instruction, shopping, or interpersonal interactions.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Refers to the activity of teaching the English language as an intellectual, academic pursuit to non-native speakers of English.
Native Speaker of English. Refers to a person who acquired English in infancy and young childhood as a first language.
Native Speaker. Refers to a person whose relationship to a language is that it was encountered in infancy and young childhood as the dominant language of the environment.
Non-Native Speaker of English. Refers to a person who didn't acquire English as a first language, but came to it after another language was established.
Non-Native Speaker. Refers to a person whose relationship to a particular language is that he/she didn't encounter it while initially acquiring language, but came to it after another language was established.
Limited English Proficient. An adjectival phrase used to refer to the same students as ELL refers to. LEP is falling into disuse as it focuses attention on student deficiency rather than on the positive attribute of learning. Is being replaced by ELL.
Second Language. Refers to any language gained subsequent to the first or native language. It is acquired or learned secondarily to the native language. Doesn't refer to the ordinal numbering of languages, only to the relationship of a particular language to a persons native language.
First Language. Refers to the language that an individual encounters as an infant and young child; a persons native language.
English for Specific Purposes. Refers to the goal of learning English to use it for highly focused activity, such as for business or for aviation communication.
English as a Second Language Program. refers to a school program that is purposefully structured to provide instruction on the English language to NNSEs. An ESL program does not typically include instruction in any other subjects than English. An ESL program may be a component of a larger ELL program at a school.
English as a Second Language. Refers to the subject matter of the English language and the methodology for teaching the English language to non-native speakers. ESL makes no reference to the subjects other than English, but it is not methodology alone either, it refers to teaching the English language as content area. Typically, ESL refers to the study of English in a country where it is used for at least one daily task, such as instruction, interpersonal relations, or shopping.
English Langauge Learner Program. Refers to a school program that is purposly structured to provide instruction on the English language and instruction in other content areas to English Language Learners.
English Language Learner. Refers to students who are in the process of learning English, whether they are in ESL classes exclusively or a combination of ESL classes and other subject area classes.
English as a Foreign Langauge. Refers to the study of English as an intellectual, academic pursuit, not a a language whose use is necessary or desirable for daily life, although it may be used as a research tool. Typically, EFL is the study of English in a country where English is not a language of instruction or daily interactions, such as in Italy or in Saudi Arabia.
English for Academic Purposes. Refers to the goal of learning English to use it as the language of instruction for other subject areas.
Refers to a school program that is purposely structured so that students will use two languages on a daily basis.
Refers to the use of two languages in any capacity on a daily basis. A bilingual person uses two languages on a daily basis--for work and at home, perhaps, or for different subjects at school. Can also refer to the ability to use two languages, even if not used daily.