Dr. Dennis Jacobs - Faculty Web Site

About Dr. Jacobs

Dr. Jacobs received a B. S. in aeronautical engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1966, an M. S. in physics education from Minnesota State Moorhead in 1972 and received his Ed. D. from the University of North Dakota in 1991. He taught in area high-schools before coming to MSUM.  He served in the Peace Corps in Malaysia from 1966 through 1968. In 1997 Dr. Jacobs returned to Malaysia to teach in a local university. He was able to travel throughout Southeast Asia and Africa and compare it with the Asia and Africa of thirty years ago. His research interests include energy and environmental education, sustainable energy systems, cognitive models of learning and applied problem solving.  In the early 70s Dr Jacobs moved to rural Detroit Lakes, MN, and built a house from recycled material (junk) and lived a completely sustainable lifestyle for several years.  That story is told in the downloads.  He is now the sustainable energy coordinator for MSUM and plans for the University to be carbon neutral in 20 years.  

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