
Wecome to FIRST Robotics for Team 4360 (Spudnik):


    • Officially request to join the teamusing the STIMS
      • Our team number is 4360
      • You will have to create an account using your email
      • Your parents will need to complete the Consent Form using their email [This is important!]
    • Join the facebook page (search for "spudnik")
    • Visit the forms page if you need new documents


    • Matt Craig [MSUM Dept. of Physics and Astronomy]
    • Hannah Reisdorf [Moorhead High School]

    Past and Current Mentors:

  • Steve Lindaas [MSUM Dept. of Physics and Astronomy]
  • Jeff Schneider [Moorhead High School]
  • LeAnn Washenberger [MSUM Society of Physics Students]
  • Justin Sticht [NDSU Electrical Engineering, John Deere]
  • Sam Wheeldon [John Deere]
  • Tony Woltman [MSUM Society of Physics Students]
  • Tim Abate[MSUM Society of Physics Students]
  • Sri Kadimisetty [MSUM Computer Science]
  • Steve Zettel [NDSU Engineering]
  • Wyatt Hout [NDSU Engineering]
  • Tom Brenner [MSUM Society of Physics Students]
  • Ashley Kringle [John Deere]
  • Anthony Brown [John Deere]

Interested in Joining the Team? Contact..

Dr. Steve Lindaas, PhD
Office Hagen Hall room 307 G
Phone (218) 477-4268
FAX (218) 477-2290
US Mail Minnesota State University Moorhead
Department of Physics and Astronomy
1104 7th Avenue South
Moorhead, MN 56563 USA
E mail

Safety is a FIRST priority!

Rock Skipping
The obligatory warning for would be technologosits. If you are not familiar with the origin of the above phrase you should look up information on "Lost in Space".